7 thoughts on “Sometimes faster, depends how tired he is when he gets home. Never more scared then when dad walked in from work…

  1. Infamous last words “wait till yer dad gets home”. Although “go pick yer own switch” was equally as traumatizing.

    • Amen, Sandy. Which is why I never used it on *my* kids. Sometimes they got a whuppin’ but only in severe cases and I always used my hand.

    • When traveling with us three boys Dad would pull over cut a switch out of a tree and lean backwards against the hood trimming branches (probably smiling and laughing). Then the real terror, he would gently set it on the dash of the car. You could hear a pin drop with the window down

  2. We never heard “wait till your father gets home”. When Mom-n-Dad got married that was one thing he didn’t want us or him subjected to. His step-mother would say that crap. By the time his dad got home he and his brothers had forgot what they had done and didn’t know why the Old Man was beating them.
    Mom didn’t have the patience to wait for us to cut our own switch. Dad did tell her to lay-off the maple tree in the front yard as she had it stripped down to just a twig or two. Brother and I were kind of ornery at times.
    The most traumatizing thing for me was being made to stand in the corner. That meant that Mom was so mad she was afraid to touch you. You were standing there until she cooled off.

    • Nothing like coming home from work, to see your kids running scared away from you, to make you feel loved and welcomed.
      Momma should do her own disciplining instead of putting a wedge between father and kids.
      That said, dad needs to back up mom, or else the kids will play both of them against each other.

  3. My mother used to use an 18″ ruler on us up until I was about 13 or 14. I took it away from her as she was going to use it on me, snapped in half and handed it back to her.

  4. We theolder 4 kids got it with a razor strop (two peices of leather about 18 inches long sewn together at one end) All my late father had to do was pop it Hold the open ends together and bring both ends toward each other and pull them apart it almost sounds like a whip cracking. It got all our attention and we stopped whatever it was we were doing. immediately

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