8 thoughts on “Something Else To Keep In Mind

  1. And they cannot steal-destroy what they don’t know about.

    As our Home grown Socialist-Democrats and RINOS take notes from the Communists, note well the Kulaks of Russia and the “Malcontents” of China had their homes and farms destroyed as enemies of the revolution.

    Very few gov thugs are gardeners. They steal and destroy lives, not grow gardens.

    Potatoes, cabbage, Bok choy, many root crops like carrots can be hidden in a flower bed with no one the wiser. I did this to out play an annoying HOA I had to live in one year. Until I harvested the HOA never knew.

    Corn, tomatoes, peppers and such are too well known to hide from thugs.

    A small cache buried somewhere heavy vehicles, and such will not destroy might be a saving grace if you have to flee the house. TRUSTED friends are also needed. Would be nasty to have a former Girlfriend-friend-wife decide your crazy and get you Red Flagged while your away from the house.

    Modern Gun Control, your credit card-ATM card is denied, your family wants to trade your guns for food and a return to “Normal life”.

    Ask the Canadian Truckers if you disbelieve this. Our folks both advised Trudeau and took notes how to make it work better next time. No SWAT team needed.

    Already bills are being written in Congress to make cash illegal and electronic money only.

    Trusted friends, seeds, tools, skills and faith will carry you though the Greater Depression.

  2. Did my post disappear? I see 1 post but nothing shows up?

    My computer issue maybe?

  3. wow, restarted still cannot read any of the 3 replies of this post?

    I was able to see my first when I posted the 2nd message.

    But I can see all of the new posts replies.


    • There aren’t any other comments pending and I also checked the spam and trash folders. Don’t knw what else to say.

  4. They can take everything away, just ask Grandpa. He saw trouble coming, took his money out of the stock market before the crash, had a nice bank account, gold and land. The bank failed and his money there was stolen. FDR declared gold illegal to own, and paid a fraction of what it was worth. Then he lost that land to taxes.

  5. Sure they can. They just send out their badgemonkeys and TAKE all that stuff your self sufficient ass created. As long as government exists you NEVER truly own anything. It can be taken whenever they want based on even the flimsiest pretext….or just a whim.

  6. there are laws on the books requiring you claim produce grown in your garden to be claimed on your taxes.

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