Some sad news…

Got a call just now, Miss Peggy, ChuckinBama’s wife said he passed away due to heart complications Thursday Morning. Chuck was 61 and I had talked with him Monday evening on the phone. I will surely miss you my friend…

Chuck and Max

37 thoughts on “Some sad news…

  1. Dammit another good man gone. May Chuck RIP in a better place getting to avoid all the future bullshit. Some of these days I wish it was me but alas God isn’t done with me yet.

  2. Prayers of comfort and peace for Chuck’s family and friends. Going to miss his comments here on the inter-webs.

  3. More bad news! I wonder of it’s an old bloke thing that the loss of “electronic acquaintances” can mean as much as the loss of local friends?

  4. damn. too young to go at 61. at 65 makes me happy I get up everyday.

    where’s Irish? anybody know? not on the True News blog site anymore?

  5. Good God. 61?

    I guess it ain’t the years, it’s how you spent the years. But 61?

    So sorry for his family.

  6. Damn…Sixty one is way too young. Always enjoyed Chuck’s comments wherever he chose to place them. Rest in peace man.

  7. that is way too young to go. it is always sad to lose someone.
    hint to all of us, take better care of yourself. enjoy the days you have, because you don’t know how many you will get. RIP.

  8. Thanks for sharing the sad news. He will be missed. Had the right amount of snark, wit, and good humor, along with a treasure trove of tips. There are a few whose comments I never pass by, and he was one of the best.

  9. Well fuck! As a fellow Alabamian I had hoped to meet Chuck at some point (Jeffery in Alabama too). And as others have said I always enjoyed his posts too.

    RIP Chuck

  10. Wow. Another one of “us” has left. Had conversation with enlightened man other day. Brother of a famous person. He said something along the lines of “all this weird shit will be seen as normal to todays kids when they grow up”. That thought has haunted me.

  11. FUCK! Dude, you will be missed. May you be happy and at rest on the other side, drunk as a monkey, looking down and holding a place for the rest of us. Your intelligence, wit and commentary Will. Be. Missed. SORELY.
    Rest easy brother, I look forward to meeting you sometime in the future.

  12. WOW, just… wow. Too soon gone, he was a light in the darkness. So sad for his family, hope his passing was quick and painless.

    We’ll all meet together Up Yonder, Chuck. Et Lux Aeterna!

    You WILL be missed – just look at all the fun you will be missing…

  13. I’ll be praying for his family, and us. There’s too few of us already…
    Sakes. Too young. Godspeed brother.

  14. 61! Too damned young. I feel the passage of time more rapidly these days as I just turned 69. We will all miss your insight and keen down to earth humor and wit. Rest easy.

  15. R.I.P.. Chuck. Prayers for his family, it just sucks, 61 is too young. Age and experience, yet we get attritted slowly every day. Sometimes, God has other plans. May He protect us all in the coming fight, we still have His work to do.
    Blessings to you all, keep safe brothers and sisters.

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