6 thoughts on “So damn true!

  1. My late mother in law had one of those handbags. Once, at a family wedding, my camera played up and she produced a set of instrument screwdrivers. Her legend went beyond her death. I had remarked that to find anything in her bag we would have to move the mangle to one side and the piano to the other. She must have been looking down, because after she died we gathered at her house and, in her handbag, we found her charm bracelet. The charms included a silver mangle and a silver piano . . .

    • In case anyone, besides me, is wondering what a mangle is:

      noun, A machine for smoothing fabrics or household articles of linen or cotton, as sheets, table-cloths, napkins, and towels. See plate-straightening rolls. A machine for smoothing linen or cotton cloth, as sheets, tablecloths, napkins, and clothing, by roller pressure, often with heated rollers.

  2. My wife has so many receipts it’s impossible to find anything else.
    It’s also a FAG bag, and she KEEPS nothing but the gun, reloads, and some spare bullets in a baggie. Thank goodness it’s separate…

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