8 thoughts on “She speaks truth!

  1. Partial truth.. There ARE medications that do work as intended, do treat illness and do keep people from dying. But relying solely on pills and other meds for health is a half assed approach. The problem is people are stupid and lazy. They refuse to eat a decent balanced diet, they refuse to lose weight and exercise regularly and they abuse substances routinely….then they expect doctors and medical science to undo all their self inflicted damage. Healthcare is a partnership between the patient and the provider. Most patients refuse to pull their weight in the partnership.. It doesn’t help that most of the food offered for sale in America is fattening garbage full of empty calories and lacking actual nutrients.

    • I went to the same family Doctor for years and one day in 90 something, I started to see drug advertisements and free samples on the receptionists desks.
      From then on, he never asked about why I didn’t quit smoking or drinking even though it was obviously the cause of my health problems.
      He never asked about my diet or exercise. Nor my long work hours.
      And every time he’d have some drug to give me to “cure” the condition.
      I’m not a Doctor, but I know a play when I see one.

      • I used to ask new doctors about health advise back when I
        worked at the VA. almost to a man all of the good ones said the same thing. don’t smoke, drink little if any. and eat good healthy food. but stay away from doctors !
        and the ortho guys always said stay off motorcycles.
        knew one of them who was a very good doctor. his waiting room walls where lined with shelves with helmets from all of his past patients. there where a lot of them there too.
        very nice guy too. he helped me out with my back problem
        years ago.

    • And sometimes the half assed approach is all some have, like my wife who has Type 2 Diabetes and underwent a triple by-pass 13 years ago due to it. Along with neuropathy in hands and legs, loss of one eye and damage to the second, coronary angiogram and vein transplant in one leg and now battling Stage 4 lung cancer. She’s on three types of insulin, blood thinners (heart surgery), and 15 other types of medicine because of the effects of the Diabetes itself or the surgeries she needed. Now we get to add chemo and such. Let the good time roll.

  2. Nowadays it’s the Doctor Feelgood Circus of Medicine, complete with lotions and potions and other elixirs to get you through.

    Any the drug companies are making bank. Just like the tobacco and alcohol pushers, they really don’t give a RATS ASS about your health, just keep you alive as long as they can to increase the bottom line.

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