8 thoughts on “See. And you thought we was free…

  1. They forgot to point out that the people at the top of this pyramid scheme are sucking the country dry as fast as possible before they leave for the Bahamas or Caymans or some other “private” insular location.

  2. What we have is national socialism. Government control of everything in our lives, from food to air to school to housing to…

    We, the nation, are actually ruled by actual Nazis (being national socialists…)

  3. What it actually is: a supermajority of White middle-class voters who get on the regulatory boxcar as directed because they have zero moral courage. Win for the government school system, imported from Prussia 100 years ago. See John Taylor Gatto: The Underground History of American Education. You can’t blame that talkative religious minority because they have only 2% of the votes, therefore they aren’t in control.

    • That’s absolutely correct. Two percent can’t control anything.

      Similarly there’s about 800 billionaires in the US, out of 333 million. That’s less than 0.00025% of the population. Billionaires can’t possibly influence anything because they’re an unbelievably small fraction of the vote.

      Thank G-d for math and logic and common sense.

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