Restraining Order Time

Umm, yeah

I would Rattle Can my old truck Green, Rattle Can the Sprite British Racing Green, (even though I hate that fucking color) paint the fucking sidewalk green and find a used John Deere riding lawn mower again just to fuck with this pretentious asshole.

I’m betting a guy could find some green Mylar window covers if he looked hard enough too.

This fucker would melt down in the middle of the street before he even got close to my front door before I was done.

24 thoughts on “Restraining Order Time

  1. Welcome to my past world, dealing with ass wipes like this and trying not to punch them in the face and try to modify their behavior, phobias, delusions and mental illness… fucking cum rags!

    • not punching them in the face or better yet a .45 to the forehead is why these fuckers persist in their delusional world that revolves around them.

      • Yes.
        My favorite bumper sticker of all time is “Some people are alive simply because it’s illegal to kill them”.

  2. This guy is mental. I doubt the police would do anything as they tend not to lock up mental cases, but it could be time to pull out your weapon to keep this guy from your property.

  3. What an insufferable, whiny faggot. Guy really needs a serious ass beating to adjust his attitude. And trying to claim he’s allergic to a color? Come on man, you’re going to have to do better than that. Tell him he just made himself a trespasser, and then call the cops to have him removed if he doesn’t scoot his dumb ass off the property promptly.

    • You can only have an allergy to substance that has a protein chain, you can be allergic to the grass itself, but not colors. You can be “sensitive” to colors, we all are, they do modify behavior and moods, that has been proven. That is the kind of crap I had to deal with in my early nursing career, these whiney ass claps, of course this was up in Portland, so there is that…

  4. Call the local gendarm’s report his harassment, then get a restraining order. When this dick nose ass wipe escalates this situation (and he will) and you have to defend yourself, or your family. You have a paper trail showing that he is a nut bag.

  5. Dumping your grass clipping on his doorstep in the middle of the night would be a good strategy IMHO, unless he’s got cameras set up. Fook him.

  6. I’d paint my ass cheeks green and pull my deep green underwear down and moon him with my green cheesy looking ass.

  7. I would look at him and say, “You aren’t sneezing now. So you are lying when you say the color makes you sneeze. Get off my property and have the same shitty day you already decided to have.”
    And if he returns, file a no contact order and a recommendation for an involutary thirty day psychiatric assessment.
    Put him in the system and lobby everyone in the neighborhood to purchase different shades of green vehicles. (I am certain everyone would LOVE to join in.)
    Have all of the kids dress up like the Hulk and the Wicked Witch for Halloween.
    Serve green eggs and ham.
    He will either give in or move away to be someone else’s problem.

  8. This Local Lunatics’ 51 cards shy of a full deck, and the only thing you can do about it is trespass the wonderdummy.

    Then, and only then, you can introduce the loony-tune to Mr. Holy Hot Sauce. Perhaps he’ll get the hint.
    You may have to repeat as necessary, some forms of life learn very slowly…

  9. As one who was diagnosed as being ALLERGIC to all green growing things as a child. I would be having a lot of fun with this asswipe. Remember to wear GREEN on St Patrick’s Day. I would be making signs all with Green paint. Paint the public sidewalk in front of his house as well. Hire a leprechaun and have him deliver a big bag of green confetti and sprinkle it all over his yard. All the above for a start

  10. Whiny little baglapper. The problem with sniveling douchetools like this is that their cities have never been bombed, they have never been seriously hungry, cold, or afraid, and they were never spanked as children.

  11. I would have to be a good neighbor and tell that fuck wad next time I saw him on my hard it would trigger my PSTD and he would be in serious danger.

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