7 thoughts on “PSA, make them die a horrible death.

  1. During a recent conversation with a friend about what it’s going to take to get the country back to some semblance of what it was, I told him “a lot of people need to die because their belief system is the antithesis of the way this country used to be and the only way to fix that belief system and prevent it from reverting to today’s trope is to kill everyone that doesn’t believe in “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” unencumbered by .gov interference and regulation at every level.

    He was shocked into silence an, unusual trait for him. Then said “Why?”

    I told him “because a lot of people in government believe that they have the right, by virtue of their election and/or appointment, to exert control over everyone else’s life and to dictate what that life should look like even when faced with facts to the contrary and most importantly they don’t believe that they are subject to those same laws and regulations that they are imposing on others”.

    Take this so called “climate crisis” as an example. Look at the effects on people’s everyday lives of Bribem’s and the EU’s policies regarding climate and how to fix it by restricting the use of fossil fuels in transportation and electricity generation and trying impose the use of not ready for prime time renewables on the world’s economies while China and to a somewhat lesser extent India, the two most populous countries in the world, are bringing on line a new coal fired electric plant EVERY WEEK, while the U.S. and the E.U. are decommissioning coal, nat. gas and nuclear electricity generating plants and trying to rely on wind and solar to fill the growing need for electricity to power their economies while there are at least 1000 years worth of recoverable coal, oil and nat. gas in the ground that can fill the electricity need while more research is done to make wind and solar electricity generation more efficient and reliable and to do more research on biofuel, hydrogen and nuclear power generation as a long term substitute for fossil fuels.

    Then there’s the problem of electric grid infrastructure which will not support an electric vehicle fleet to maintain transportation at its current level, especially as you get away from major population centers.

    Needless to say he was stunned at the level of his unawareness of what’s going on around him. I’m not sure that he is convinced, however I believe that he’s now thinking about things that never occurred to him before.

    • Nemo, two points I differ from you, first, oil, natural gas are abiotic, meaning the earth within itself with elements and chemicals create those two byproducts. Coal, second, yes, it is from plant and animal material that was covered and compressed and the current estimate from numerous sources say we have over 400 years of recoverable coal even at past consumption levels. Oil and nat gas has never been a fossil fuel, that is another of those lies propagated by Standard Oil owner John D Rockefeller to make those commodities as being rare and finite so as to jack the price up. Oil and Gas is about as plentiful as air and water and diamonds (another one of those “rare” lies) that fit into your scenario of the “elites”, both .gov, commerical, ngos that laws and regulation for you peons and gluttony for us.

      • I have Thomas Gold’s book The Deep Hot Biosphere, and have also read many attempts to debunk his theories. None of them convincing.
        THE problem with wind/solar is no way to store it. So every “green” energy source has to have conventional power sources idling and ready to go online at a moments notice.
        Another energy source not much talked about is geothermal. Here in the Great Basin country we have vast, relatively shallow, access to it. It just needs the kind of technological push to develop it as we’ve put into things like fracking.

        • I had forgotten about geothermal. Maybe that was by design. Geothermal hasn’t been in the public’s eye for a long time. You are right about geothermal, I have basked in a hot thermal pool a time or two over in Southeastern Oregon, Northern California hunting and camping. They are plentiful and a good source for heating and once captured and processed can heat many homes with steam or hot water for almost ever, and that is a very long time.

          • a lot of electric power and not to mention heating is done with geothermal in Iceland
            now. they have done it for years.
            fun fact, my grandpa used to soak his fence posts in old motor oil before putting them in.
            after a year or so, the grass just grew faster and higher around them.
            the problem is that assholes are making money bigtime on people fears. look at AL Gore and how rich he got on this stupid shit.
            funny, he doesn’t have one solar panel on any of his houses ?
            or any of said assholes with beach front homes worth millions. they not worried about the seas rising much now, are they ?

      • One other potential source of electric power generation that I forgot while I writing the above is thorium reactors. Thorium is the most abundant radioactive substance on the planet. From articles I’ve read, thorium electricity generation reactors can be scaled small enough to power your home or small business.The reactor would supposedly be about the size of a home heating/AC furnace. However there’s no real research being done in that area because the power generation and distribution companies that exist would be mostly out of business after every home and small business are retrofitted. Then there’s the problem of disposing of the spent thorium every 5-7 years. Fed.gov hasn’t implemented a plan to safely dispose of fuel rods from existing nuke plants. CONgress won’t allow it because their pockets aren’t being lined enough. So the chances of having a plan to dispose of spent thorium are nil, too.

  2. Maybe if they just die to their sins and be Baptized into the life. I am human and I do have those thoughts as you do Nemo. Satan may have to much power over them and they won’t/can’t let go.

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