12 thoughts on “Posted without comment. The post stands on it’s own.

  1. Relabeled to reflect the male brain. Your welcome.

    What do you think cortex- Where is the (fill in the blank) cortex.

    Shoes- Tools/fishing gear/ hunting gear, etc.

    Realization of wants vs. needs- Realization of wants vs. needs. Heh.

    Shiny things and diamond olfactory- Gunpowder olfactory.

    Melrose Place memory center- Monty Python memory center.

    I told you so gland- I wasn’t listening again gland.

    Gossip control center- Fishing tales center.

    Driving skills- Communication skills.

    Talk, talk and more talk- Boobies, boobies and more boobies.

    Sex initiator gland- romance gland.

    Headache generator- Horny generator.

    Logic center- Sensitive center.

    Gold digging sensory area- Food and beer sensory area.

    Anniversaries and birthdays- Hunting and fishing season dates.

    Impulse shopping- Impulsively expecting a female to think and behave like a male.

    Regardless, I love, respect and appreciate males as they are and who they are.

      • I don’t want to change them. Never. I like them how they are. God created males and females to be inherently different but complementary. That’s the nature of things.

    • Men look into and long for a woman’s heart, her damn boobs are in the way…

    • I don’t know about you, Sandy, but I find the male of the species a lot more ‘understandable’ than my fellow females. I’d rather be out camping, fishing, or tinkering in the garage than be trapped in a kitchen listening to a bunch of women yammering about nails, hair or cellulite.

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