Funny, That

It smacks of directional arrows in the supermarket aisles no?

Subsequently, the price of eggs goes through the roof.

Ripple effects.

They learned a few things after the supply line catastrophe during the “Covid Epidemic” didn’t they?

What apparently escaped their attention is our abilities of observation.

As Stupie McFuckwit was so famously quoted for saying,

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again”

We ain’t fooled again.

Predictive Programming at it’s best, a real future scenario some are seeing for our transhumanism existence.

From Wendyworn over at Wake Up People,

Cancer Cures and Other Creepy Things

Just a little walk through some past predictive programming, with some sequels coming out this year, 2025.



and then


And just for fun – cant forget the Marvel take on it.

What could they possibly have planned….