13 thoughts on “Open thread dudes and dudettes… I’ve spoken my mind…

  1. Things are progressing well in Northern Minnesota.

    Within 2 weeks, Twin Metals cupro-nickel mine was torpedoed by the Feds because Agenda 21 Wilderness corridor, and now a $440 million OSB plant has been torpedoed by a timber-nigger lawsuit because they “weren’t consulted early in the process” and are empowered.


    The anger is getting palpable up here, and it’s not at Russia or China.

    • What you want to bet the tribal concern was that “about a mile from” rather than “would have been located ON tribal land”?
      Can’t collect the full rent if it’s not in your hands.
      Sustainability practices applied, would have been a perfect use making OSB.
      Sad. Now they can spend more public money defending from fire, and watching it rot away unused for higher purposes.

  2. Culture. It all boils down to culture.

    The European culture had exploration, exploitation, and “git-er-done” attitudes, and the African culture did not.

    Skin color really doesn’t play a huge part. ATTITUDE does.

    • Bullshit. Genetics are REAL.

      The average black IQ is 85. Mohammed Ali had an IQ of 79, which is borderline mental retardation in white people. The US Army rejects recruits with IQ’s less than 93. Lower than that, and they become a liability because they have to be supervised all the time. By this metric, 40% of black people are too stupid to hold a mundane job. If it makes ya feel any better – 13% of white people are in the same boat.

      Culture is a product of IQ and genetics. There’s a reason those guys never invented writing or the wheel or any kind of architecture. We need to dispense with the warm fuzzy pretty lies and see these people for who and what they are.

  3. I live in Atlanta and I am 61 years old. I have had two well paying jobs that were with successful companies until they weren’t. Both companies had well qualified management when I was first employed by them. For both companies the majority of management was white males. Then the “diversity” of management to get more minorities and women into management. I stayed because I thought the new manager would eventually start making good business decisions, I was part of the last group that got a severance package. On the second company when they announced the new diversity program I was in management. We were told all leadership positions had to be filled with minorities and any white/male would not be eligible for promotions until our numbers were “right”. It took 6 months to find another job. to get me by until I could retire last year. That company went under within 3 years.

    • yup. saw that myself about 20 years ago. started looking for a place to land. found one at the VA. but less than 2 years later a lot of my former co-workers where out of work.
      unlike most of them, I tried to live below what I was making.
      a lot of them lost everything, homes, retirement saving, a lot.
      funny thing, I used to run a X-ray dept. in the army. they asked me to run the one at the VA. I said no thanks. although I did manage the floor for a week and the clowns in charge where amazed that no one had a complaints during that time. funny how shit like that works. I never would have lasted in management there.
      wrong color, wrong sex.

  4. You hugely outnumber them, yet you obey them when they choose to hurt you; you are slaves. Slavery is in the mind, and humans of any genetic background can decide to let themselves be enslaved.

  5. My favorite RBG quote is the one where she was caught, on camera, in discussing the eugenics of Planned Parenthood, that it was all about controlling “those people”. Her very words, “those people”.
    As for the “balloons”, it’s all part of the psyops of 5gen warfare, distraction and misdirection propaganda.

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