12 thoughts on “Open thread and your thoughts boys and gurls…

  1. I have problems with background checks for gun buyers. There is a data base no matter what the fine folks @theswamp say. That infringes on my Second Amendment rights. Ain’t none of their Effin’ business what I own. Just maybe, I want anti-tank missiles for a lawn ornaments.
    As for voting, receiving benefits and whatnot, PROVE you are a US Person.

    • I oppose background checks also. As I read the 2A there is absolutely nothing that says who can and cannot keep arms. The 2A is the only RIGHT that requires background checks. I say the first amendment clearly should have background checks done. Especially for democrats.

  2. I’ve got to take issue with #8.
    It is wrong to have the impression that the entire sniveling left will be a push over. If anyone thinks that they don’t have a trained up bunch in the mix, I would ask that you consider doing some research into that line of thought.
    It is a pretty well known fact that there are many combat vets who share their ideology and they are busy bringing others up to speed. Assuming that just because they are not making headlines right now, thinking the whole of them went back to their parents basement is just wrong.
    I don’t want anyone to take my word as fact if you have any doubts with what I have said, I would direct you to reach out to some very well informed individuals on the topic. Just to mention a few, Matt Bracken, N.C. Scout, or Michael Yon would be a good place to find out.

    That is not even taking into consideration all the males of fighting age that are pouring across the southern border every single day. If things should go sideways, it will be a giant mess that will not end quickly.

    • I don’t know how a man or woman that has sworn an Oath to be in uniform could ever espouse the left liberal mindset. But there it is and we must be ready for that, lefty storm troops been trained by leftest ex-soldiers. Another speed bump to be sure and account for.

      • easy, girls. GI goes to school, see girl he wants.
        she a loon lefty- to get her, he goes loony lefty
        soon, he finds out he has choice over the soy boys
        he stays loony left for the action.
        saw a bit of that back in the 1970’s

  3. Agree with just about everything except #7. 2nd amendment are rights by GOD to US. No strings attached, no quid pro quo. Simple plain English. You have the right to keep and bear arms PERIOD! Last I looked at the Constitution there were no footnotes regarding the second amendment. No if’s, ands or but’s. The society in which we now live is our own fault. WE let it happen. Background checks no go. Doesn’t work. These things only work against US. There are more people now, that by the current thinking, should have never had a weapon. But they do. Fair enough. The playing field is now leveled. At first it will be OMG but over time we will come to realize that a society that is armed is a polite society that enjoys the fruits of a Constitutional Republic. As it should be.

    • I am in agreement with you Vermillion, the premise of the bullet point was if gun holders be subjected to background checks, then voters, immigrants and candidates and incumbents for a political office every time there is an election and the results are splashed across every newspaper and news site on the web. I bet in a cold assed Vermont second all that shit ends and no background checks will be required. I wish I could go back and convince our Founders to include term limit for all political posts, and senior appointed government appointees and rigorous age limits and never allow the voting age to drop below the age of 25. Why I posted this, to encourage thought… because I posted it doesn’t mean I agree with it.

      • My only and best guess is that the Founders NEVER in their wildest imagination could envision anyone becoming a career politician. At the time of the founding of our nation, political officials were envisioned as representatives AND servants Of The People. Greed and corruption have infiltrated the halls of the Capitol and are rapidly bringing a close to this first phase of the good old USA. Let’s get it right when we start on phase 2. Sic Semper Tyrannus and Fuck Joe Biden and the rest of the commie bastards.

        • going to Dc back then was a bitch. NO a/c !
          bugs and what all with the swamp critters too ?
          no one in their right mind wanted to go there.
          once we had powered fans, they started staying there.

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