6 thoughts on “Only two?

  1. Sorry has a few different meanings.
    I will apologize when I’m wrong or have made a mistake.
    But I’m not telling you or anyone that I’m sorry.
    If that offends you, then take your sorry ass down the road. BFYTW.

  2. My red line is a liar. If they lie, they’re a thief and a cheat.

  3. I can still hear my DI in basic, here 47 years later, tearing into some poor schmuck next to me: “YO NEVAH SAY YO SORRY!!! OR YO SURELY ARE!!!” We were lined up in front of our beds in the barracks, and I was having a bitchin’ tough time trying to keep from busting out laughing. Because I knew that they could scream in our ears as much as they wanted to, but they couldn’t touch us (it was the Air Farce after all; the USMC would have been a different ball game).

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