Old Truck Tuesday

Alzheimer’s is sure striking me last night and today . I went and forgot to post my Old Truck Tuesday… pretty sure in a few days I will be as bad as biden, drooling and shitting myself.

Near as I can tell a Hearse.
Nemo ought to recognize this old bus…
Found an Indian Oil can, I bring you Indian Gas…

6 thoughts on “Old Truck Tuesday

  1. Heh, that pic of the depression era family parked by the side of the road. Yeap, I heard quite a few stories, in my youth, about why people were “from” an area. Usually stemmed from the preceding generation having a vehicle breakdown in that area and they couldn’t make it to California!

  2. I never road a bus. It was five miles, through the woods, uphill both ways through ten feet of snow, even in the summer time for summer school. It was extra hard on me as I’m short. The first time I used indoor plumbing was in 1st grade.

    However, I did ride a bus in freshman and sophomore year as the high school I went to was in another town. I had to pay for the bus ride as it was a private company. Stopped riding as it was too expensive. Thumbed rides daily for a year and a half through rain sleet and snow and never missed a day. In my senior year I switched to the local public school located about a mile from home, too close for the bus.

  3. Cederq your lying if you say you haven’t shit yourself before. Jack Nicholson in bucket list said never trust a fart and I don’t, but sometimes.

    Pic number 1 where is that, I could use a mule drawn hay mower?

    ps Cool set again today.

    • No Bear, I can’t say that… and a lot of farts, did surprised me. I have no idea where the first pic was made. You see a lot of those mowers in South Dakota off in farmers fields and old equipment dealers. I know they are pulling old farm equipment in and refurbishing them as new stuff is too expensive and prone to break because of a $1.29 sensor that decided to shit the bed and takes time for the tech from the implement dealer time to get out there and so the equipment sits for days.

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