Old Truck/Old Train, for CoyoteKen and his old friend in Hospice.

CoyoteKen: I have a close friend that I met 50 years ago this coming June. He really loves your Old Trucks and Old Trains and I send them to him when they come up. He is in Hospice now and from what I hear this may be the last one I send to him. So sad. —ken

Isle of Wright Steam Railways.
From Raw188, thanks!

18 thoughts on “Old Truck/Old Train, for CoyoteKen and his old friend in Hospice.

  1. The 14th pic sure looks like the Lil’ Red Wagon that would pull a wheel-stand down the quarter mile for your pleasure and entertainment. Memories.

    • Seconded. May his last remaining days be filled with love.
      We’ll all see you on the other side.

  2. I never considered something like an old truck/old train blog post being something of a ministry. These blog post certainly do bring smiles and good cheer to some of us. Thank you and keep this sort of shit up.

  3. Those sure are misty pictures. This is going to him now. Thanks much.–ken

    • Dam – Hate to hear ’bout yer friend! He’s mighty lucky to have you for a friend.
      Prayers and good thoughts for him, and if it’s his time – it’s his time. There’s not a lot we have to say about it. If that’s the case, I wish him a smooth journey.

      Y’all take care,
      Mike (in FLA.)

        • Yeah – those prayers and good thoughts are for you and yours as well. It’s tough on everyone around when someones in that situation. I understand all too well – just lost my better (by far) half a bit over 2 years ago.

          Mike (in FLA).

  4. Ken, prayers up for your friend. He will be in a better place soon and you and us will be stuck here with all the assholes in this world who don’t read this blog.

    God Bless my friend

  5. 50yrs of anything good is remarkable, especially a friendship

    Prayers for peace and mercy sent

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