Old Farts…

Old farts ain’t into drama, ain’t into bullshit. We tend to be too old to run, too old to fight effectively, We just as happy to shoot your ass.

10 thoughts on “Old Farts…

  1. Always wanted to be the old coot that little kids would point at and whisper “Just leave him alone, he’s CRAZY!. And MEAN!”

      • Cederq, hopefully you’ll have one this week, take the stress off your operation wound, and you’ll feel better overall too. If you don’t, then take a laxative, although I’ve tried to help you out there.

        • Why thank you Johno. I have been kinda a lazy bum this week. Moving into my apartment and all, I deserve a short rest. I am in no need of a laxative, I have been quite regular. To prove that I could send a pic of said regularity to you…

  2. Three hots and a cot, just what the military use to offer. On top of that free medical and dental and education possibilities.

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