Now, how about Fort McClellan where I took AIT and was posted for 22 months where the City of Anniston, Alabama sued the Army and the Corps of Engineers for cancer and autism rates 20 times higher then the national average because of the nerve gas disposal and other weapon disposals that contaminated the base and surrounding water aquifer. Ya think they would identify and take responsibility for the soldiers and civilian workforce there? Haven’t heard a peep or contacted. I am convinced my diabetes and MS is the result of that exposure there, and other posts.

20 thoughts on “Now, how about Fort McClellan where I took AIT and was posted for 22 months where the City of Anniston, Alabama sued the Army and the Corps of Engineers for cancer and autism rates 20 times higher then the national average because of the nerve gas disposal and other weapon disposals that contaminated the base and surrounding water aquifer. Ya think they would identify and take responsibility for the soldiers and civilian workforce there? Haven’t heard a peep or contacted. I am convinced my diabetes and MS is the result of that exposure there, and other posts.

  1. What a sad shit show we’ve become.

    Federal government and political landscape 50% criminal, 50% powerless.

    Kids and way too many adults willing to believe anything these puke stains tell them,.

    • “Believe anything these puke stains tell them”.
      No argument from me about that.
      But, whose is telling them anything?
      How many people do anything in the way of research?
      I send information on to family and friends that will not be bothered to even read it. Even if it is in a video type format and they take the time to watch it, it is completely foreign to them. We’ve been so conditioned by the tv and our favorite news channel that if it isn’t mentioned there then that isn’t really happening. When I try pointing something out, I’m asked, why haven’t I heard that before? If there’s ever a day of reckoning in this country, the media is going to have to be held accountable for their part in the play.

      • I think reality is too painful for them to be exposed to, They’re not interested for a variety of reasons.

  2. If the government would take responsibility for veterans we wouldn’t need Honor Warriors, Wounded Warriors and the rest of that ilk. Veterans are disposable assets to be disposed of and forgotten immediately. Unlike the politicians and bureaucrats who take extremely good care of themselves..
    Our government’s treatment of veterans is a national disgrace!

    • June 1976, for MP AIT, 18 months Presido of San Fran then back to McClellan for 22 months then went to Berlin Brigade for 18 months

      • Woohoo, Berlin Brigade. Nah, scored higher on the ASFAB test and went Air Force. Stationed at Templehof but assigned Marienfelde Comm site as SP (78-80).

        • I scored very high too, but to get into SPs in the Air Force, I would have had wait for a year for a position available and that was with a father a full bird Colonel (BG Select) in the Air Force… I opted with Army and I didn’t regret that choice, until the end of enlistment, I was a hard stripe E5 and wanted to go into CID, but you had to be an E6 and I was within 9 mos of that. I told them to forget the ten thousand reenlistment bonus and I would agree to a full six year enlistment. No Joy, so I told them to suck it. I had five years in already.

  3. Not even an American in the picture on the Camp Lejune poster. Some Asian country…

  4. I am compassionate and empathetic to your plight, but don’t hold your breath. The gov/military will never hold itself accountable or responsible for some of the myriad instances of harmful exposures experienced by our honorable servicemen. He-man is being monitored by his PMD for a variety of cancers/illness caused by the drinking water at Camp Lejeune. And if he gets one of the cancers/illnesses on the list, the gov offers VA medical care. No fucking thank you, I’ve heard too many horror stories related to VA medical care.

  5. McClellan… A 787, 1994. Thank god I only did basic there. I was never so happy to see an active duty base get BRACed.

  6. 4 years at LeJeune, 91-95. Never once drank water from the base supply. A lot of beer and vodka though….

  7. There was a HR bill into’d in the 2012-13 session for some level of protection from what Monsanto did to us whom served, after the Anniston\Monsanto court case settlement, since it was explicit that US service members (not civilian employees) were omitted.

    It died without fanfare and went nowhere.

    We went where told, did what needed done, and served our service, yet get treated worse than lab rats (as, we often were…).

    • “It died, as we, without fanfare” fixed it for ya. Tromped through the Agent Orange jungles in Vietnam and Cambodia during my time with the POW/MIA unit (JTF-FA), in the mid to late 90’s. My first page of medical records have a big old warning of this and more. And here I thought I would die of lead poison while in the military, can’t wait to see what will turn up a few years down the road.

  8. I was stationed at Cherry Point in the mid 80 s We went to Legune every year to Fire our missiles. Not sure if we drank their water? Or hauled our own. But I am relatively normal . Haha

  9. Served 4 years as a missile tech (EMT, Electro-Mechanical Team) working in missile silos that had 3 – count ’em – 3 Ge Mk12 Nuclear warheads, emitting all kinds of fun stuff. Never, NEVER wore dosimeters, yet I could smell the ozone every time we penetrated the missile silo. Lots of the guys I worked with are dead now, cancer and other fun stuff, yet here I still am.

    I don’t go ANYWHERE near the VA, they killed my FIL with their piss-poor care. I’d rather be taken care of by Nurse Rachet!

    • I guess you wouldn’t want my tender care and mercy, I put Nurse Rachet to shame…

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