4 thoughts on “Not enough coffee and beer to deal with it…

    • Amen. More different stupid every day, and I live in the boonies.

  1. Coffee, plenty of. Beer, at the rate they are going woke no one will buy it. I am still calling bullshit on that miller lite commercial. I think a Budweiser executive created it in an effort to destroy the competition worse than they destroyed themselves.

  2. that is why we go to town only when we have too. even the wife thinks that stupid is on the rise these days. had a DR. appt late in the afternoon yesterday. we where amazed how stupid traffic is at 4 pm. like unreal stupid. a whole lot of stupid and road rage in plain sight. we where glad to get back up on the mountain after that.
    seems like there is a lot of anger right under the surface too.
    funny how much you can pick up at gas stations and food stores.
    people are pissed at everything these days. wonder why- no. not really.
    there has been a lot of anger towards DC. and the clown in charge (?)
    and now they are flooding the country with illegals. best plan on things getting right sporty by summer.

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