19 thoughts on “No Sugar, No Cream

  1. I disagree…there’s plenty of sugar there and I have plenty of cream to compliment her.

  2. Unbelieveably she has a HUGE tattoo on her right thigh.
    That, however, wouldn’t prevent me from riding her like a rented mule.

  3. Pingback: Friday Rule 5 - The DaleyGator

  4. I like my coffee like I like my women…
    Roasted to perfection
    Freshly brewed
    Dark and bitter

    • Sure.


      Belly button ring.

      Yeah, all that plus you know high maintenance.

      She probably can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, but can she make poached eggs?

      I’d get tired of hearing, “what we need to do…”.

      But, yes, fuggin hot.


    • You are so ungrateful ,Aussie.
      It was only a few weeks ago that,CederQ took up the Friday slack for the Irish man and all our eyes burned in white hot flames. Took me a week to get the foul taste out of my mouth, and it may be years for some of those images to stop haunting me.

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