7 thoughts on “Most of my friends too…

  1. yeah, what the problem ? outside of my brother. one of them. I do not talk with my “family” anymore. tired of the stupid drama, them always thinking I am going to drop everything and come help them out of whatever dumb fuck shit they gotten
    themselves into. just tired of it all.
    and now my life is very peaceful. quiet. and we both like it that way too.
    they don’t even know where I live and they sure don’t have my number.
    not even my email. nada.

    • Sad that it has to be that way sometimes. My family is okay. My wifes family not so much. If her brother was on fire I would pour gasoline on him to put it out.

  2. They’re afraid of hearing the truth.
    It’s peaceful…but for the dogs. woof

    Now I’m going out to look for tracks in the snow, find a spot for my ambush.

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