9 thoughts on “Might just come in handy…

  1. When I was a kid I was beaten often and thoroughly by my mom for eating all her plants. She told me that some were poisonous and I don’t know if she did that to stop me from eating them, or they actually WERE poisonous. I ate them anyways

    Today I can gobble all the worst foods with impunity: brussel sprouts, turnips, broccolli … and other things that would gag a billy-goat. That is why I will survive a world ending extinction level event while the rest of you disappear into Darwinian obscurity.

    The future of humanity is Filthie!

    • fine. I am friends with a farmer. he gives me great prices on real food
      good cuts of grain fed beef and lean bacon !
      and his veggies are great as well.
      if the world ends, why hang around ? it will be hard to find cold beer and hot coffee.

  2. The flowers of all herbs are edible, of course. BTW, Cederq, if you ever visit an English-speaking country, the ‘h’ in herb is not silent.
    If your first name was Herbert, you’d be upset if others said “Hello ‘erbert.” So ‘evin, get it right, for a change!
    After watching the movie Monsoon Wedding, where a central character is frequently consuming Marigolds, I tried some from my garden, not being a pesticide user. I learned two things: that there is a good reason that Marigolds are planted as a natural pest deterrent, and; that Indians talk shit about a lot of things.
    You can include Nasturtiums as edible, leaves and flowers.

    • You could always check Wikipedia. Yes, pyrethrins are an insecticide, but what applies to wasps doesn’t necessarily apply to mammals.

      Euell Gibbons was ahead of his time.

  3. don’t you think it might be better if you learned how to trap squirrels and rabbits
    instead of eating weeds and flowers ? it not all that hard to do really.
    snare are not that hard to make and take up very little room in your pocket
    or pack. same can be said about small coil of fishing like and a few hooks
    salad will not keep you going in the long run.

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