22 thoughts on “Mating Season Down At The Trailer Park?

  1. I am definitely hearing banjos behind that electronic music… Someone you are indecently acquainted to Phil? Trying to marry off a hidden sister?

  2. I would have to say a couple of NSFW words. We’d all laugh. We’d shake our heads and think “Ewww.” Then look at each other, thinking about past girlfriends, or late night conquests, back in the day. Remembering something about that night. Then think, “C’mon, you know ME!! I was partying! It was nothing!!!”

  3. Looks like I’m not the only one to gag on this one.
    Lets get out the pitchforks and torches boys.
    To the stake with the heretic!!!

  4. She should know better thanto behave like a sheboon. She’s White for goodness sake.

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