Massive Anti Vaxx Mandate Protest In Front Of Lincoln Memorial Today

Those fuckers who are participating in the Kangaroo Court prosecution of the January 6th protesters must be pissing down their legs right about now.

I’m telling you, the Gig Is Up for this bullshit.

People all over the world are staging massive protests like this lately.

It’s really a simple matter of numbers, I think people are starting to figure this out.

There are Billions of us Peons and maybe a million Useful Idiots who have been prosecuting this farce on the rest of us.

When you get up to the top of the food chain for these cretins, we are talking enough people to fit in one room who are behind all of this.

Against Billions.

I like our odds.

The MSM has shot it’s wad. They can no longer control the narrative.

The Draconian policies of Mandatory Vaxxes, Lock Downs and other techniques of control are losing their power over us.

They still have some tricks up their sleeve, food and goods shortages etc., but the looming Financial Collapse is going to work against them in the long run.

The Economic Collapse is going to force all of us to create Work Arounds for the Dying Dollar.

To do that, we are going to have to be able to get out and mingle around.

These Vaxx Passes, Mask Mandates, Lock Downs and all the other Horse Shit are going to go away by necessity.

Millions of people are ignoring a lot of this already.

The Normies are starting to Wake Up.

And they are PISSED OFF.

5 thoughts on “Massive Anti Vaxx Mandate Protest In Front Of Lincoln Memorial Today

  1. I expect that we will see a repeat of 2019, October of that year the chinese hosted the military olympics in wuhan..A recently leaked Canadisn forces memo said 70% of the atheletes came vack with the covid bioweapon. Montgs before its official arrival.

    Expect some new bioweaponout of China carried by the olympic atheletes this year when it ends Feb 22nd.

  2. Protests are all well and good, but until heads start decorating pikes I don’t really expect the would-be tyrants to pay any attention.

  3. Am I a “Normie”? I need someone to tell me so that I will know which way to jump. Thank you.

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