Kinda Been Out Of It

I felt that all to familiar tickle in the back of my throat on Friday and no amount of gargling would make it stop.

Sure as shit by Saturday I was sick with a head/chest cold.

I slept almost all day and all night Sunday.

Got up this morning to get ready for work feeling like I had been drug through a knot hole backwards.

I made it all the way to the point that I sat down to put my boots on.

As I sat down I was basically staring off into space, leaning up against the arm of the recliner while feeling as weak as a kitten and basically detached from time and space.

I came to enough to decide that I wasn’t going to work even if I am getting close to not having enough PTO to cover it because of all of the doctor appointments.

I would have not only been completely useless, I would have been a danger to myself and my co workers in that state.

I called in and went back to bed at 5:30.

I just woke up at 10:30 to find the Wifely Unit sick as a dog with the same shit I have been fighting.

It’s twenty after 11 right now, it’s absolutely beautiful outside and now my lower back is out too for no good reason.

Life is good.

Because it sure beats the alternative,.

Now if you will excuse me, I have a bunch of catching up to do.

16 thoughts on “Kinda Been Out Of It

  1. My wife and I both caught what we think was RSV and it absolutely devastated her. Been a month and she is still coughing up stuff. She is very sore from coughing and cant breath right. I was over it in a week but the impaired lung function lasted……well I still feel like I lost a little lung function. Pretty much smoked most of my life but she never has. I occasionally smoked little cigars but I gave them up because of this shit. They are trying to off us it would seem or are all those illegals bringing nasty shit with them?

    • I think that illegals aren’t the only thing being brought across the border… if you get my drift.

      Made in China strikes again.

  2. Yew all know that if you just put the mask back on yew would knot be catchin or spreadin this stuff. Bunch of silly white bois.

  3. I swear by colloidal silver. It’s in the health food stores.

    • Large dose Vit C 500mg 2X daily upping that to 4X if you get even the hint of a sniffle. Also Vit D and Zinc supplements if/when actually sick. Woke up this AM ~5:00AM having to pee and was sneezing with watery eyes and a slightly runny nose. Took a quick dissolve 500mg Vit C, killed it within an hour. Morning meds, with another longer acting 500mg Vit C due about now, 7:30AM EDT.

  4. You’re sure catchin’ it now, as if you needed more crap to deal with.

    Hope you get better soon.

  5. I think it has been demonstrated that zinc interferes with viral infection in the throat. I know that when I start getting that weird throat feeling and start taking zinc tablets, the length of down time due to sickness is reduced. It doesn’t stop it completely, but has reduced the amount of time being sick.

  6. I spent my youth climbing in trees, sitting in trees and falling out of trees. I like trees. Now my decrepit bod has decided to become allergic to tree pollen with sneezing fits and streaming nose. I’m 76 FFS!

  7. I lost my job two weeks ago. to this same thing. I’m 60 years old. I don’t know what to do.


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