8 thoughts on “Johno’s old Grams the day before the great confiscation. She hid all the good guns except for that cocked shootin’ .22 H/T to Glen Filthie…

      • I’ve seen many .22 that look like that.

        Regardless, I’m happy to see that Aussie has a new friend that stops by here.

  1. Deathray, others may be suspicious of your new handle being KOATT. Not me, but, I’m just glad that another of your personalities found an outlet, though sad that he is yet another statist. Or have you been letting one of the Sasquatch play on your phone? My gram would have had them in a skirt, with all their hair brushed, even on their hands too. But they wouldn’t eat at the table with us and my black childhood mates, as she didn’t allow pets at the table. Gee, it was many years before the tag ‘Armalite’ fell away here, previously being applied to all AR rifles. I never owned one, much preferring your M-14 as a target rifle, mine was a very accurate Winchester. Although the AR was quite popular with women competitors.

    • I have no idea, judging by the style of coat and her hairstyle I would surmise the mid 60s or so

  2. Glenfilthie, they probably are from the first series of Colt SP-1s, if semi-auto sporters, with the open-style wire-cutter flash hider. Cederq was old enough to play kill-the-Commie, but his Ma wouldn’t let him take the scabbard off his bayonet (remember, Colt included one in the box) while drilling with the dummy, ‘cos Deathray’s mum was going through Band-Aids a new box every week! It looks like a proper Colt ‘scope too, so late ’60s? My gram died of (probably) an MI back in ’68 in her late 70s, so it isn’t her, but could it be King of all trolls’ mum? She looks a bit chilly for Georgia, so Ma Ray could be holding M-16s at a northern (military?) shooting range for the LIFE photographer. She probably had little ray-Ray holding the target for her. If so, too bad she was as crook a shot as my old gram had been. “Hold still, ya little shit!”

    • I’ll hand it to ya you funny talking goof ball. You do seem to have a little knowledge on your side. Those are first gen. And that does appear to be a proper optic also. If you look at the top one, it doesn’t have a forward assist

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