8 thoughts on “JC Understands The Dynamics

  1. That’s quite a bit of work, I have one of those, they work quite well and are super quiet.

  2. Reminds me of the time years ago now I bought a Colt SP1 of late 60s vintage and my cousin who had his FFL at the time was dealing with it. He gets it in calls me to pick it up…..in the mean time had his two little kids cover it with Barbie and Flintstone stickers. They made a sling out of pastel colored pipe cleaners and had pink tissue paper coming out of the mag well. Everyone loves a wise ass.

  3. Truly impressive work. JC must be one helluva a friend to put that much time and effort into busting his balls. But I gotta say – love my EGO lawn mower – light, quiet, and can get my yard done in half the time as the gas powered beast. And since I do like my neighbors, mowing it at the convenient for me hour of 0700 does not bother them on a Saturday morning.

  4. The last day at my oldest son’s first job, he walked out to his truck for the final time. His truck was wrapped in pink and lavender crepe paper streamers, and the cab was full of pink and lavender balloons, and inflated condoms. Don’t remember now how they snookered him to get access to the cab.

  5. Late to the party, I saw it from Irish’s place. See what I said over there similar to above. JC probably a fellow veteran friend of his.

  6. Girly or not…

    Once you’ve made the investment in electric power generation, it makes sense to get away from gasoline where it’s easy. You’re making electricity. Making gasoline is hard.

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