It’s Just A Fire Hose Of Crazy Shit Lately

There is so much outrageous shit happening every single day lately that I can’t keep up with it all.

Most of what I am seeing is intentional chaos as TPTB have shifted into overdrive trying to destroy this country.

5 thoughts on “It’s Just A Fire Hose Of Crazy Shit Lately

  1. We’re on the same wave length here.
    Just when you thought you prepped enough,
    Well, crap!
    Watch yer 6.
    Keep yer powder dry.

  2. yup. if good old Vlad would just do us a favor by nuking the shithole call dc.
    life might get back to what it used to be here.

  3. The crash of the dollar/world reserve currency is the part I’m looking forward to. Just imagine all of the corruption paid for by an endless supply of dollars coming to an end as the dollar dies. This world is about to get crazy. They’re gonna have to implement the ALIEN INVASION to try and distract the sheople from their 401k’s evaporating.

    • that is something I tried to warn a few people about. the coming crash of the dollar. if not a matter of if anymore but when.
      and anyone with bucks in the bank is going to get fucked bigtime
      food will be the big thing to have. I wonder how much a can of beef stew is worth in silver or gold to some clown that is starving ?
      a few friends I know with a bit of money in the bank I have told them to get it out and into hard assets while they can.
      these days I only keep enough in the bank to pay the bills. anything left over goes into food, ammo and stuff.
      what a lot of people do not realize is when it does happen, it will start slow and then go really fast. make your plans now while it is still worth something.

  4. Everything is psyop no matter which side it comes from. That dominion settlement I heard about this a.m., it’s a settlement from fox no less not a conviction of the courts.

    I quit watching fox even before Oreilly was booted.

    81 million votes is a statistical improbability. It would not surprise me if tax payer dollars are funneled to fox to pay the settlement just like those congressional harassment settlements a few years ago no one talks about.

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