8 thoughts on “It works.

  1. Two containers of calcium citrate are, like $5.00, and will give you a really clean system. Really clean. REALLY CLEAN. Like screaming in pain, “Oh, my God! Will it ever STOP?” while spending 8 hours straight on the shitter.

    To make matters worse, the doc, after a colonoscopy, wants to talk to you about the hemorrhoids that just showed up.

    Maybe due to 8 hours of explosive decompression while trapped on the crapper?

    • I had the same experience, twice. First time after an upper GI plugged me for two days then forced out with a lot of pain. Next visit to the doc: You have hemorrhoids.

      Then just recently after my first ever colonoscopy. Doc’s report says: “hemorrhoids were noted on exit of the instrument.”

      Odd that I don’t have pain or bleeding before or after either incident.

      I know, TMI.

  2. The hospital nurse giving me a HepA vaccine years ago asked me if I had any risk factors for it. I said that I worked in a hospital lab and I sometimes ate at Taco Bell. She didn’t get the snark and just said “I like Taco Bell. “

    • I received a nice parting gift from a restaurant in Gladstone, OR of Hep A… the damn injection of Gamma Globulin sure hurt like hell, like being injected with near frozen Karo syrup.

  3. worked in an old time pharmacy in the hood in balto city years ago and we used to order 3 24 bottle cases of Magnesium Citrate each week. and they want to know why why the city’s sewer system is all screwed up!

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