16 thoughts on “Camping Saturday

  1. Handprints in the blood? Not quite an idyllic image for an enjoyable campout, but I looked up Survival International and now I understand. And I wonder when they’ll be coming for Ben & Jerry’s.

    What caliber for badger?

    Australia, or the middle East. Have you seen the photos of the soldiers with camel spiders? But it looks too big to be a camel spider – hard to tell.

    Pop Tarts is funny.

    The sleeper COE with the Airstream is nice. So’s that other COE, but it need some work. Lime semi-tractor is just dumb, IMHO, but hey, it’s their money.

    Good morning, y’all.

    • The short wheelbase Kenworth is dumb too. Having a hard time deciding which is worst. It’s kinda like deciding between Pence and Kamala.

  2. Pingback: Weekend salute to Sarcasm, Snark, and Smart Asses - The DaleyGator

  3. That RV with it’s ass buried, I’m guessing it’s too late to air down the tires to 18#…

  4. Yes, I’ve done camping by stretching a tarp between two vehicles. Gotta have a BIG/long tarp, though!!

  5. Wonder why that badger is sniffing empty cans with a perfectly good pot of beans sitting on top of that propane tank? Too hot to handle?

  6. Spider? Could be Florida. Trust me. Florida.

    We have some big assed spiders down here. Big Assed Spiders.

    • Ha,don’t worry beans I’m not moving there, I like to visit though

  7. The Derelict Semi-trailer one looks like it may have been a Passenger Bus. Looks like an ea$y Re$toration / Conversion to a Camper.

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