It Ain’t Me You Need To Worry About

It’s this guy, right here.

You know That Guy.

The guy who’s life has gone to shit in general and who’s had an especially shitty day.

The one we all have either known or can point to right now who we always kinda paid a little attention to out of the corner of our eye.

You know what I’m talking about, the guy everyone at work voted for Most Likely To Go Postal.

There is a guy where I work now that almost universally gets labeled as a potential Mass Murderer by every single person who gets asked what their first impression of him is.

I am not kidding.

The minute I laid eyes on him it was the first thing that came to my mind.

Nobody knows how many of those guys are out there and every freaking day for the last three years a straw has been added to that Camel’s back.

Keep your head on a swivel and try to stay away from That Guy.

These days Situational Awareness isn’t just something you used to see people talk about in forums that you had to go searching for.

For the days of standing in line at the Supermarket Daydreaming are long gone.

That kind of thing is what separates the statistics from the living now.

34 thoughts on “It Ain’t Me You Need To Worry About

  1. Be on his good side, remain appealing yet aloof, and stay frostersized!

  2. I can be that guy… you, average joe blow, all of us can. Just keep pushing and you will find the trigger.

    When I was working at the state prison in the Behavioral Unit, one of my therapies was to purposely push an inmate to that point, keep him there until he exhausted him/her (self) and then bring back to reality and find what the trigger(s) were. The trigger is a narrowly defined response to a stimuli… remember that when out and about. After discovering the triggers, then the real work begins.

    • I hope your trigger’s not Fat Chick Pics. You know where I live!

      • You have Fat Chick Pics? Careful mentioning that, Johno is hot for those, lucky for you he lives in the Outback of Aussie land. Fat Chicks don’t do anything for me, sorry…

      • As the Queen song illustrates “fat bottom girls make the rockin’ world go round”.

        I like the lyrics, I just don’t agree with the sentiment.

        • I do, married one…a red head. Still alive, still happy, 47 yers later. Sometimes it’s better to be lucky, that’s me (so far).

  3. I have been warning people that if supply chains for pharmaceuticals break down, that many, many people will be going berserk from acute withdrawal from their psychotropic meds. Doesn’t matter how deep in flyover country you are or how remote you are, someone nearby will be going off the rails.
    I used to enjoy perusing the supermarket tabloids at the checkout line. No more. I’m too busy keeping eyes on everyone nearby and what the lanes of escape are. Condition yellow at all times.

    • You are right Greg, most normies have no idea of a seemly calm and pleasant person is, but when the psychotropics they have been taken for years are suddenly stopped… berserkers! That is not counting in the other prescription drugs people have been taken for years and stopped, a lot of meds have a psychotropic effect that have to be weaned off under normal circumstances, now cold turkey? Fun times!

    • Worse are all the older people out there on pain management and insulin and other life-sustaining drugs. You know, spouses of people whose only real reason to live are keeping said spouses alive.

      Or older people who are alive only because of these drugs and a 60-90 day suspension of their drugs is a death sentence.

      That. That right there. The person who has nothing left to live for, who has nothing holding him (yes, I said him, it’s gonna be a guy) from saying “Fuck it, I’m done” and decide to just go Falling Down or full Clock Tower.

      • Due to this problem and cost we ordered drugs from Canada. No opioids but insulin was less than half the price here.

      • Bullshit, natural medicine is superior to the synthetic crap…
        Do you know why you’re not supposed to have grapefruit with your BP meds?
        Because your BP will get too low…. Hint hint

  4. I believe there are more than a few Michael Douglas characters out there.

  5. Everyone has their breaking point, and it’s very hard to figure people out in that respect, even those who are close to you.
    Bad times will make apparently normal harmless people act like feral dogs.

    The emotional response to adversity will surprise all of us in the coming days. Be careful and aware.

    • true to a point. it is the mothers you really need to watch.
      men are kind of more straight about it. women on the other hand
      will smile right before they stab you to take your stuff.
      and they can justify anything too in their mind.
      as always distance is your best option.

  6. kind of no brainer for me. I grew up around the brothers back in philly.
    wife says I never stop checking everything out all the time.
    we go shopping in the off hours when there are less people around.
    even then, I keep a sharp eye out. I don’t know how many close calls we had with the damn deer running across the roads up here. but my neighbors tell me I am past due to hit one. even if you live in the countryside, you still will have to deal
    with nutjobs. just not as many of them like you find in any city.
    always keep your options as open as you can. as we used to say in the old days always have at least 3 different ways to get out !
    and always keep a eye on your rear view mirror. that has saved me from at least 3 car accidents over the years. and as always if you see something bad starting to happen, get somewhere else fast.

    • Deer whistles – Walmart for $5.98. Keep them on cars for the last 30+ years. They work.

  7. Head on swivel all the time. Review Jeff Coopers color code and live by it. Stay away from crowds. I stay armed all the time but I firmly believe that having to use a gun in self defense is the very very last thing you want to do. Use your head, stay out of bad areas and away from crowds and always have an exit strategy. Remember that parking lots and parking structures are pre built crime scenes. I use valet parking all the time just to stay out of them. I’ve been working from home for 3 years now and it has the advantage of keeping you far far away from potential workplace violence and commuter road rage. Even with that I home carry every single day because you just never know what is going to come walking up the street. Just FYI – I’m in a swivel chair in my home office most every day and a shoulder holster works best!

  8. He’s headed to DC then NY.

    Did you know going postal started with the Edmond Oklahoma post office.

  9. Me and my wife never got vaccinated for COVID as we learned that vaccines usually take 5 years to produce, test on people, and fix all issues before giving to the public. The COVID vaccines were made by Big Pharma in a year in China where the COVID virus came from. No way was I getting it. Now people are dying and having side affects.

    This is affecting athletes, pilots, and others. The open issue is how will it affect drivers, especially on the freeway and in large semi trucks.

  10. I would be more concerned about the Guy who is going to ‘Snap’ and has Knowledge/Skills/Access to Infrastructure Systems…. The Lights going out in an Urban Area for 48 Hours or so is going to be Waaaayy more Dangerous than a Psycho Killer with a Gun.

    And, Jet Mechanics. Don’t Forget Jet Mechanics… The next Time you are sitting in that Seat (with your Knees in your Face) think about how you have NO CLUE as to What is going on behind the Plastic and Carpeting that you can See. And ALL of it has to Work Perfectly, Always. Or you Crash and Burn and Die.

    • Oh, you mean us Engineers that design and build this stuff, and know where the soft underbelly is?

      Oh yeah.

      DON’T piss off an Engineer. Especially an Old Fart that has nothing to lose.

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