8 thoughts on “Is it a sweetener?

  1. Haven’t had coffee since the first of the year. Almost like quitting smoking. Biggest change is my digestion, almost like a normal persons. Sleeping better & not crashing in the middle of the day. Stuff was tasting like mud.

    • I am sorry you are depriving yourself of that life sustaining elixir. Perhaps, (gasp) use decaf? I know, but going cold turkey…

      • Or be a gentleman and drink tea? And by tea, I mean black leaf tea, not that muck in tea bags that Yank restaurants serve, twigs and floor sweepings disguised in a little paper packet in tepid water.
        I mean man’s tea, boiling water over black leaf tea, allowed to brew in a pot or billy, with enough tannin to stain your pannikin or mug.
        Mind you, that mugshot of yours is pretty stained already!

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