Interesting Times (OPEN THREAD)

I’m pretty sure we are all well aware of the latest Shit Show playing out on the world news.

There are still PLENTY of other things going on in the mean time.

What are you guy’s thinking?

Lemme have it in the comments.

21 thoughts on “Interesting Times (OPEN THREAD)

  1. Ukrainian military and civilians pulled off an attack on a Russian airbase wiping out a lit of hardware. Fuck yes.
    Here stateside, ending the mandates will not be enough.

  2. Antifa has been too quiet recently, something is being planned, what and where is the question, nothing is outside the realm of possibility any more. KMA uncle joey hair sniffer.

  3. What’s on my mind?

    Gas prices.
    Another increase in property taxes. Butt in the air, head on a pillow. And not in a good way. 😉
    A way overvalued stock market. Where’s the correction?
    Cederq in a kilt. 😁

    The world is going to hell in a handbasket.

      • #metoo Igor. Hoping some day he will post photos here of himself in a kilt. Bonus points if he goes commando 😉.

        Granddad was full blood Scottish, so I have no qualms with kilts.

  4. Concerns almost too many to count, but:
    – Completely open southern border and millions invading. But pay no attention: The integrity of the Ukraine border is of solemn importance.
    – Continued mandates and data collection still aiming toward a social credit system in which wrongthink = loss of access to your own money (and more).
    – Implications of the vaxxes – much higher death rates in young people, possibility that the vax interferes with cancer resistance and embryo formation (meaning possible sterility for a substantial fraction of the billion+ who got the shots).
    – Kids are still masked even though it’s ludicrous. Democrats and teachers unions (near 100% overlap) really seem to hate children or get off on torturing them with warm, moist, germ-filled karen-rags poisoning them all day.
    – Gas prices up, food up, shelves more bare, continued difficulty getting some essentials and many non-essentials.

    What’s not to like? It is at least entertaining.

  5. Drove over a hundred miles one way yesterday on ice packed road to go to the bank. Closed out all accounts. After seeing the way they did things in Canada, I’m not waiting for them to start that here. It may end up not being worth the paper it’s printed on, but I might need it someday to start a fire in my wood stove.

    As for everything else going on in the world? I don’t have a clue.
    All I know is I can’t believe anything. Been getting lied to by everybody for so long I’m tired of trying to figure it all out.

    Really besides the cost of fuel and food going through the roof, nothing is affecting much here. I’m literally in the middle of nowhere and all the shelves are fully stocked. The next closest grocery store didn’t survive the winter. The entire roof collapsed. Those people now have a hundred miles to travel for their food.
    So all in all I’m rather fortunate for the time being.

    I have a feeling that we’re all about to get kicked in the crotch and hard in the near future.

  6. Shudder, Deathray you’re on target. And given the power of propaganda many of my otherwise sane neighbors are getting weird.

    Better a few you trust with your Life, Liberty and Family than unstable mobs who are being told YOU are the Problem.

    Hope is not a plan, look at worse case scenarios, make a plan and DO it now.

    Hardest is your fleeing your burning house, now where are your preps? Do you have trusted allies (who may have to flee to YOUR House) and back up preps?

    Family first, Trusted Friends second, God always.

  7. Planting season is approaching, tubers should go in now or in the next couple of weeks. It seems more important this year for all the news sake. Politics are the same as always, powers and principalities at odds with decent folks. We’ve had rain for the past couple of days, so feel blessed. Keeping it simple.

  8. The wheels are falling off this clown car. Ukraine? Just another kabuki theater move to distract us.
    It doesn’t matter what is going to occur next. At our level in this mess, we have zero input, anyway. But that doesn’t mean we cannot do anything.
    Buy long-term bulk food. Get some decent hand tools and get comfortable using them. Make local contacts— I’m talking within easy walking distance. Get your family and/or tribe close, and teach practical skills and values to anybody who will listen. Go nowhere unarmed.
    Easy? No.
    Simple? Yup.

  9. At the macro level a whole shit pot of stuff and concerns going on that quite honestly are above my pay grade. I can’t do a thing about what is happening back in Mordor on the Potomic or among any of the rest of our rat infested “betters”. Of course if they decide to bring it up close and personal then I/we can do something about it, like shoot them in the fucking face and it doesn’t matter left or right none of them give an honest thought to the plight of us “deplorables”.

    The foreign shitholes, I honestly couldn’t give a rats ass. I feel bad for the innocents that are suffering as collateral damage but what am I going to do. We’re not in a position to send money, we barely have enough for our own needs, besides most of what gets sent over to those shitholes gets slid into some crooked politicians private account in the Caymans or someplace. Can’t send arms and if I had enough extra to do it they would be staying here because they’re probably going to be needed here before too long. Too far away for us to do anything personal and the only way it affects us is if they decide to implement the draft here to send our young ones over there. I really don’t fault Vlad, our “leadership” and NATO have been stirring up shit and biting at his ankles trying to get a rise out of him for a long time. I’m just waiting for China to step into Taiwan and then watch as our woke military gets its ass handed to them on a rainbow colored plate trying to deal with two near peer adversaries. I can tell you one thing, it’s not the same military that I was in back in the 70’s, though elements of the current bullshit were starting to raise their head back then if a person takes an honest look at it.

    At the micro level prices are up across the board and selections are limited or just not there. We’ve added to our canning supplies because if you can’t preserve it, raising or growing it is a wasted effort. Having our own cold room to hang carcasses really helps on the food preservation side of things. We’ve also laid in the materials to build a smoke house but I won’t do that until the apocalypse hits.

    We keep working on developing alternative fuel sources because one of these days the lights just might go out. Some of you all might want to give thought to what it’s going to be like if the power ever does goes out. I mean really, just go to your power panel and pull the master breaker. Now how do you get through the next few days, weeks, months and years? All too many folks, even those that think like us would be going hungry in damned short order.

    Even though prices are up as much as 400~500% we keep adding to our lead inventory because, well you know how it is with precious metals don’t you? It’s not all doom and gloom though. We’ve been having fun extending our shooting capabilities to way, way out there, past one K and getting damned close to 2K as of now. Once you have the ballistics figured out managing drop is pretty much dialing it in. Calling the wind on the other hand is where it all goes south in a hurry. This is also an area where old eyes, even with top notch glass come up a little short. The kids see a lot better than I do and the only edge I have on them is years of experience.

    On the very personal level I’m working on getting rid of the winter weight gain. It’s real easy to pick up and extra twenty pounds with all the holiday snacks and sitting around on my ass waiting for it to warm up outside. Twenty pounds is quite a bit of load out if things go hot.

    Well good luck to you all, enjoy the suck because it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Watch your six and especially watch who you confide in. I just had a twenty five year, so called friend, burn me really deep and I can tell you I don’t take betrayal too well. At some point pay back is going to be a bitch.


    • Very true Wes. It’s coming, whether WE want it or not. You are correct, like the X-Files, Trust no one. Sad but true. Your neighbors, friends, work associates never going to happen. When the going gets tough the tough better get out. Funny thing I, like you, had a trusted friend that I helped out on many occasions for years. A trusted friend so I thought. Well you can guess the rest of the story. Trust No One. Good luck Sir. Godspeed.

  10. I’m of the opinion the Biden is going to announce some new restriction on liberty at the STOU, thus the perceived need for fences going back up at the Capitol and NG redeploy to DC.

    There’s also the new interior fence on the WH grounds. A fence within a fence. Apparently the new 13 foot tall fence that replaced the 6’6″ one wasn’t tall enough. I recognize the strategy. Trap attackers between two obstacles the better to take them out. Next it’ll be quad .50’s to be mounted on the roof.

    Notice that there has been little news of any of the fences on any news outlets other than the initial reports.

    All that begs the question, just what the hell are they planning now that requires defense in depth?

    Other than the above, it’s a shit show. Everything skyrocketing price with no end in sight. Foreign policy in the crapper. Invasion from our South. Stock market and housing bubbles about to pop. Why, you might think all of this is intentional because it is.

  11. I swear… Soooo much Speculation of what to do in these UNPRESIDENTIAL times. The mind Boggles. I’m not a troll , nor keyboard cowboy. I just know that for decades that I’ve been paying attention to the prepper community, however…We don’t live in Ol’ Days anymore. I grew up working working the soil, hunting, fishing, raising hogs, cutting and splitting wood, trapping, etc, etc,etCCC….
    You can fill your house with your home grown, hard worked for, canned food. Been there and loved it. Not so sure if that’s reasonable anymore. You can’t take it with you if you have to Bug Out. If you have the proverbial BUG OUT VEHICLE, the grub will cut your GAS mileage. I didn’t see anyone BOV’ing during the PLANDEMIC.
    Truth is, I don’t think we know much of what to prep for until it’s in your front or back yard. Just like a possum in your chicken coop at 2 AM….
    I truly Admire the Ukranians for Kicking names, and TAKING ASS.
    It’s more than likely that the shitstorm is coming to a theatre near us.
    Until then, we should embrace happy thoughts IMHO.

    I agree with the commenter who exclaimed that we should get something done soon ’cause we’re not getting any younger.

    And General George Patton was Spot On about taking care the roooskeeez back in the day.

  12. Thank you all for your comments. This open thread is a favorite of mine. Deathrays second paragraph sums it up for me. I am the the eternal optimist, and I am slowly learning. I don’t trust anybody anymore.

  13. This Ukraine shit is an epic psyop on the scale of 9/11.

    But I’m looking at how the rats at home are scurrying around trying to run from the mandates and Russiagate and voter fraud and the border and inflation and gasoline rape and food shortages and….you name it.

    This Taiwan thing may be the next big move. I can’t tell if globohomo and the Chinese are working together but I sure as hell ain’t putting it past them. I think we’ve got wag the dog going on everywhere globally and we’re ultimately the target right here at home. As far as I’m concerned the SHTF in 2020 and rather than the lighting fast plunge we are circling the bowl on our way out. They are hell bent on The Reset and they have the propaganda machine kicked into overdrive.

    At any rate, if you haven’t already been growing your own food this might be the time to start. Things are going to get ugly but I think it’s going to be implemented slowly over time for the effect.

  14. I’m of the opinion that if you aren’t ready by now then it’s probably too late.
    Noah didn’t build the Ark when it started raining, y’know!

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