7 thoughts on “In Between Disasters And Emergencies, I Managed To Finish Phase 1.

  1. Do you have to zero the DRO guide on the backside? I thought the one on the far end looked crooked, maybe the angle of that damn idiot phone video…

    • You can re zero it at any point.
      Depending on what you are trying to do, you can touch off on the end of a part, zero it, then move down to the other end of the part and it will tell you how long the part is. Or you can do that, then divide the end number by 2 and find the middle of the part.

  2. I don’t know what that is or what it does, and I probably don’t want to know. But good job doing whatever you did to whatever that is. And continued success in doing whatever you are doing to whatever that is 😁.

    Seriously though, good to see ya do a video again.

    • Sandy, he’s digitizing his lathe, and to do that you have to take the slop out of the screws that move the table back and forth. In mechanical engineering, it’s called backlash, in electrical engineering it’s called hysteresis, and in machining it’s called slop.

      All, and I mean ALL, of the lathes (etc.) in the machine shop at Keytronic where I worked as a young lad had their Digital ReadOuts (DRO) that told you where you were to a half a thousandth’s of an inch. These guys were Tool & Die makers, and they were accurate in their work. Look up “interereence fit” to see what they were capable of!

      • Thank you Igor! My comment was intended to reflect my total ignorance in respect to such things, so I do very much appreciate the explanation.

  3. Nice work man 🇺🇸 bet there aint much ya cant fix in that shop !
    Good to see BK’s back up an runnin.

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