Imparting some knowledge to our trolls…

To gnat, nostradamus and others of the troll persuasion. Your use of VPN to hide your IP address is a futile gesture. An old set of DOS command lines, tracert, pingback and modern IP/email search software with copious amounts of elbow work can find your original IP address, which means finding you. You always leave a morsel and tidbit to peruse. It is a question of patterns, always patterns and that is your downfall. You can run, but ya can’t avoid someone that has time and motivation and is trained in analyzing patterns, someone who is trained to find those who do not want to be found.

7 thoughts on “Imparting some knowledge to our trolls…

  1. Good action! LMFAO Punk-assed kids without a future. They can all go rot in a ditch.

  2. it is very hard to hide if you online any where in the world anymore.
    knew a guy from the old days in the 101st. his wife worked for the NSA back in the 1980’s. got to take a small tour of the place. I saw enough there back then to scare the shit out of me. what they could do back then ? I hate to think of just what
    they can do today. you can not really hide today if they want to find you.
    unless, you go way off the grid. and stay there.

    • it’s like any security — it’s not 100% on or 100% off. You choose the degree of security that is consistent with the effort you are willing to make, the inconvenience you are willing to endure, and the price you are willing to pay.

      It’s like a car. You can lock your car and take out your keys, but that won’t stop someone who wants to break in. You lock your car just to make it a little harder, so the casual thief will decide to steal from the car next to you that isn’t locked at all. You can put it in a garage, which takes it off the street. You can put it in a garage that has guards. You can add alarms. You can do all sorts of stuff. Nothing you do will stop everybody, but each step you take will decrease the number of people willing to make the effort to break in.

      The same thing is true of this kind of hygiene. A VPN is one basic tool among others. A double VPN is much better. Tor is better still. Antifingerprinting tools are good. Compartmentalization is good. A hard core virtual compartmentalization, a la QubesOS is better. You can use different machines on different networks for different activities. You can use multiple virtual servers. You can use multiple virtual servers bought anonymously using an anonymously registered domain name bought with cryptocurrency, and on and on.

      It may be true that if “they” want to find you — for some value of “they” — they will. But, with each level of hygiene, the number of possible “theys” gets smaller and smaller. You may not be able to hide from the NSA, but you can hide from a lot of other people.

      The most important thing is developing *habits* of security, and mindfulness of threat, so that you are always conscious that you are balancing convenience with security. I don’t use a VPN or anything like that for casual web surfing, and I assume that I am immediately identifiable. For other things, I use other machines on other networks.

      • ^^^ This.

        20 years or so ago, Bill Binney told us that the No Such Agency had tools that could find anyone anywhere by various means online. His only solution, even back then, was to never access the various phone systems, internet or the banking system.

        Imagine what they can do today. Just another reason why my smart phone remains in my residence, for the most part, and is OFF when I’m out and about with it. From some things I’ve read recently, even the OFF option is suspect, thus the need for a Mylar bag or AL lined container for it.

  3. The work needed to create a truly new personality complete with new computer and IP is beyond most of these basement hackers. The true professionals built multiple personalities online and in different communities years ago. My personal experience and I have used various techniques to track down individuals and groups both in person and online, what I find at the end of the road it was not worth the effort. Most of these anonymous little basement dwellers and I include corporations with hacking departments and trolls your lives aren’t worth knowing about.

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