18 thoughts on “I’m just sharing this. Don’t know if it’s bullshit. Sent by Johno.

  1. No offense, but it sounds like bullshit. Years ago there was something similar about satanists and portable crematoriums…law enforcement bought into it big time…

    • Not bullshit. This is a known tactic of kidnappers and sex traffickers. The tactic is also used on older people that may have money i.e. older person driving an upscale vehicle; BMW Mercedes Volvo Tesla. They’re also putting Apple air tags on them.

      This Dad needs to set up a game camera, identify the perp and make sure the perp has an unfortunate accident.

      • well, one could help the “dad’ out a bit too. 55 gallon drum with a LID. maybe some plastic tarps and duct tape ?
        or maybe do like someone did down in FLA. drop the headless body at the police station

  2. well, could be. or one can do what I did many years ago when my girls where small
    teach them to fight. none of this in the ring bullshit fighting. down and dirty fighting
    how to really hurt some asshole. teach them how to use a knife to save their ass.
    and teach them to shoot. forget bullseyes targets, use targets like the military does. to get used to the idea/image of a a human form in their sights.
    I don’t worry about my girls. they KNOW how to take care of assholes.
    that is a skill that will service them well in this time.

    • I taught the same thing. Eyes, ears, balls, knees, noses, lots of other points. That’s in addition to teaching them to shoot.

      • and they both got 38 spl. wheel guns before they moved away from home too. and 2 boxes of “good” wadcutters
        to feed them. although one of them wants my old Sig 230
        when I leave this planet.

    • While it *shouldn’t* be an issue, unfortunately it is!

      We need more Law & Order utilizing Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.

      • Yup, no argument here.
        I’ve got two grandaughters approaching their teens and it scares the crap out of me.

  3. I’ve no idea if it’s real or not, but sent it in to Bustednuckles because more people can see it this way.

  4. I would think that the FBI, DOJ, DHS, DEA, and the other organizations in this country engaged in assisting the sex trafficking folks, would have more sophisticated ways of making sure everyone knew who the best targets would be.

  5. If this isn’t real…then why did the father have to cut off 3 of them?
    Sophisticated or not; it still works for “them”? Why go with secret squirrel stuff when a zip tie works.
    And those that snicker about this being an urban legend…you willing to ignore this and “trust” that you are correct? And that stuff about long ago it being about witches and covens….have you seen what Disney, modern music and the trappings of society is all about?

  6. She’s under surveillance for something, that’s for sure. It’s true that criminals use this trick (not just sex traffickers, but burglars and car thieves as well), but I know of a few PIs who also use this trick to mark a surveillance target. It’s especially useful if the target drives a vehicle with a common make, model, and/or colour. One of the reasons is because it’s easier than memorizing a license plate.

  7. It very well could be. Back when I was working we would get memos all the time describing things like this. Things like a bandanna of a certain color not being worn but hanging out of a back pocket or off a saddle bag or backpack. Right pocket had a different meaning than the left. Bikers were the issue of the day. It would symbolize who was carrying the firearms and who was carrying the money, drugs……ect. Different colors had different meanings.
    The 3 zip ties like he is talking about would definitely be a reason for a higher level of situational awareness.
    Things like the AirPods and tracking on the cell phone would be a short term fix. They would separate a victim from their vehicle and cell phone pretty quickly after an abduction, along with all other belongings.

  8. There’s a reason someone is doing this..and it’s not a good reason. Act accordingly.
    It is a signal to someone for some reason. If it was for a legitimate reason they would make direct contact. They aren’t, so it’s a signal for some nefarious reason.

  9. Okay,
    What say we all pretend the video is one of those “stir the pot” posts. It still has brought attention and skepticism to an analysis of the problem.
    True or not, we are problem solving for awareness and preparation. That is the main focus.

  10. Sounds like dad needs to shadow her for a day or so, to find out where this is happening.

    My little sis used to work for a shipping company. A damaged package was picked up and the customer accused her of stealing the contents. The manager and corp security didn’t take the death threats seriously. My dad did though. He sat in the waiting area during her shift for quite a while. Shadowed her drives to work and home. Helped that he had some VIP protection experience, but still. It’s what dads do.

  11. Sex trafficking? Maybe, maybe. But, as pointed out above, nothing good can come of this.

    Be alert. The world needs more (armed!) lerts!!

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