I’m Back, I’m Bad and I ain’t black…

Of course it rained on Thursday and Friday and Saturday, the days I moved. I have lived in my trailer for 9 years and never collected anything except my roll around office chair and a lift recliner and just had some utensils, pots and pans, cast iron skillets and grill and a big spaghetti pot. A coffee pot and toaster. In a year and half collected a fucking couch, end tables, a full sized bed and two freakin’ lamps a bigger TV and a TV hutch. Too much fucking stuff! It took 9 27 gallon tote bins to haul all the other shit that I have collected. I am doing some serious cutting back and tossing shit. If I have to bug out in my camper, I will abandon 95% of my stuff, I have no emotional attachment to it. I am tired, sore and cranky as hell, now I get to recoup and size up my life choices and get into a physical rehab to strengthen my stamina and muscle tone.

11 thoughts on “I’m Back, I’m Bad and I ain’t black…

  1. Make time (more time?) for R&R and healing.
    Yeah, moving, relocating – they suck.

  2. Well of course it rained. It’s friggin’ Oregon, West of the Cascade range. I remember that.

    I dread moving, even as much as I’d like to get a bigger place.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Are you in a house or apartment now Cederq?

    I’m actually envious. In my old age I look back at all this crap and corruption I’ve accumulated… and it’s true. There comes a point where you stop owning all that stuff…and it owns you.

    Does your camper have a shower and a chitter? Mind if I use it? 😇

    • An apartment Glen and yes I do have a shower and chitter. Yes, I mind, As I understand it you canucks haven’t learnt wiping or not leaving turtle tracks all over the seat and not pissing while in the shower, as your camper don’t have those accouterments.

  4. Dayaamn! I mean, congratulations! I’ll bet you just described most of us on here. Hope you recoup quickly.
    Because {mostly) of a 1984 car accident and a 1995 tree accident, the VA keeps me supplied with pain and muscle spasm meds. Makes life better.

  5. Welcome back! Definitely not black. Old black guys don’t whine and complain so much.

  6. Doing the same. Got a dumpster out front filling up. Fuque goodwill – I don’t cloth illegals.

  7. Moving is in the top 5 of the stress list. It sucks except for shedding useless stuff

    • Last time I moved I took nothing from the house except the stove top popcorn popper

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