8 thoughts on “If you have blue eyes, just think, you maybe related to me… deep blue eyes I have. Aren’t you lucky.

  1. Yea, blue eyes just mean your about a quart low on BS. Sorry Paul, guess that makes you just a half-pint short. Mine are brown and I’m proud because I know I’m full of sh@t. Plus, don’t know if I could take it if I were related to so many a&&holes. I have enough problems just with the relatives I know of.

  2. Mine are green. Same Same?

    Cederq, you should be able to come up with all kinds of off the wall stuff from that site. Note the categories of “women” and “wife” and “weird”, although I’m not sure you really want to go down those first two rabbit holes.

    • Ever since approving your comment, I have been rabbit holed reading through all their posts.

    • you win the innerwebz of the day. Plus that blue eye is blond and you know what that means. Be careful what you wish for.

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