If You Are Still Among Us, The Unvaccinated, This Message Is For You

Forwarded from General Flynn, found on Clif-High’s Telegram account called SciFi World.

I thought this message written by an anonymous author was well worth sharing, he said.


“Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.
People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.
They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.
Banned from their families’ tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money … but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation … but they kept going.
Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting”, now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.
That’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.
You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”

Author unknown

Speaking only for myself, my take is this.

In my 60+ years of living in this country, I have seen time after time, after time, after time, after time, that you absolutely cannot trust the government.

It doesn’t matter what party is currently running the place.

There is absolutely, a “DEEP STATE” running in the background and it is they who are actually calling the shots and have programs, missions and all sorts of agencies and teams working behind the scenes, using Black Budget monies and that have ZERO oversight by Congress.

Congress its self, is completely full of compromised individuals who do what they are told to do and who receive MILLIONS of dollars as their reward.

They have zero actual concern for anything else.

They may mouth platitudes and promise us whatever it is we want to hear but above all else, they do what they are told to do by those running things.

All you have to do is remember the Big Bailouts of the Bankers, Wall Street and the Auto Manufacturers right after the Crash of 2008, that 90% of the public was against and they did anyway for proof.

Waco, Ruby Ridge, Waco II, The Love Canal. Nuclear Testing with the resulting clouds of radiation settling over large swaths of the U.S. population.

The experiments on the Tuskugee Airmen, LSD experiments on unaware citizens, The Gulf of Tonkin, the list goes on and on and on.

If you still trusted the government by 1980, you were a gullible fool.

If you still trust the government in 2022, you have a Death Wish and they will be more than happy to help you out with that.

Insistent even.

The last two and a half years should have either Red or Black pilled 90% of the population if they were even paying the slightest bit of attention.

I’m no superhero, I’m no genius and I’m not overly exceptional for the most part as far as I know.

I am reasonably intelligent, I go out of my way to gather as much pertinent information as I can and I try to be somewhat observant.

I am also 100% American, stubborn as a Missouri Mule and have been Anti Authoritarian since I could walk.

Even as a small school kid I could see through their Conformity Programs.

Every internal warning bell I have started going off about this Corona Virus scam the minute it hit the news and the Red Lights and Sirens still haven’t quit going off ever since.

Extensive research on my own and thankfully pieced together by people far smarter than I am and who have courage that most people only dream of has revealed an absolute Horror story of the motives and achievement targets behind the intentional assembly and subsequent dispersal of this Man Made virus that show beyond the shadow of a doubt that the intentions are Mass Murder on a scale that is only imaginable to Psychotic, Megalomaniac, Truly Evil people who literally want to exterminate 90% of the population on this ENTIRE Planet.

In fact, they are so diabolical that the initial custom made virus was a decoy to lure people into voluntarily injecting the REAL weapon they had custom made to accomplish their dastardly goals.

The “Vaccination” that was so conveniently patented clear back on 2016, kept under wraps and which “Miraculously” was made available after the Corona 19 virus had been intentionally spread all the way around the planet first.

The Vax is the real weapon and it is currently in the process of killing MILLIONS of people who allowed it to be injected into their bodies.

Even after the warning signs and evidence that it was killing, crippling and maiming people had begun to abundantly be reported.

So there is some truth to the anonymous message up above. We who rejected their Jab at extreme personal cost while being placed under extreme psychological stress by a well thought out and ruthlessly executed propaganda campaign, along with the unconscionable threat of legal penalties and the complete and intentional destruction of our economy along with it, have withstood unprecedented pressure and stood tall while doing it.

Almost the entire long and sordid origins, willful actions and future plans of this dark stain of evil individuals has been drug out into the light for those with eyes to see.

Their plans have been compromised by strong individuals such as ourselves and their ultimate downfall and punishment is being actively worked on every single day at this point.

No matter what their government approved propaganda specialist news media system has to say about it.

Their plans have had so many Monkey Wrenches thrown into the works so fast and so many times that they are literally panicking and attempting to accelerate their objectives at a dangerous pace.

Dangerous for both sides

The tide of this battle has already turned and they are starting to take serious damage.

This is going to continue even if they successfully steal this next election, as they plainly are trying to do already.

There are too many of us who woke up and saw what they were doing early on.

We have educated millions more and that number is increasing exponentially all around the planet.

It all boils down to a matter of numbers and we have them outnumbered several billion times over.

In the mean time,

I have said repeatedly that the Communist’s favorite weapon is food.

As expected they are using that weapon.

The Communist’s are unwitting Useful Idiots in this war themselves though.

They don’t seem to have realized this, yet.

When they finally figure out they are just as expendable as the rest of us then those who are really behind all of this are going to have a serious problem

There is no where on this planet to run and hide at anymore.

23 thoughts on “If You Are Still Among Us, The Unvaccinated, This Message Is For You

  1. It’s a sad thing to admit…I don’t trust anyone it is to be earned not given much like respect.

  2. I retired earlier this summer and I am unvaxed. I just put an add out to young ladies wanting a baby that have a vaxed husband who is firing blanks or the gun no longer works. They need to be STD free, sign a no fault waiver of responsibility, and pay $5k for 2 sessions on their most fertile day. I will give a multiple day discount and only charge $1k for a repeat performance the following month if it does not take on the first round. I will foot the cost of the viagra.

  3. Un-not-a-vaxx. Wife, eldest son and I all pure blooded. Even had yellow stars of David made up and I wore them in public (embroidered Unvaxxed)

  4. like you, I stop trusting anything they say a long time ago. here the thing that got me to wondering about it all. back when the flu bug came out or was talked about
    the homeless where doing just fine, and they still are. by all rights this bug should have killed them all off by now. didn’t happen. lots of old folks died though.
    and then the vax shot. NO ONE COMES UP WITH A VAX THAT DAMN QUICK.
    and they where pushing that shit hard too. the more they did, the more I knew I wanted no parts of it. had enough shot during my time in the army !
    the thing that bugged me was it is one of many viruses that pop up every year
    the flu. and for all the bullshit about the flu shot, it doesn’t work 3/4 of the time
    but a paper mask will save you, right. anyone who has done NBC training should know better. or maybe MOPP training. you know they selling you bullshit.
    or you fucking stupid. and much like the aids scare, the monkey pox crap is spread the same way- by gay people. funny how where not locking down the country because of the butt buddies ? or let me guess, they are special.
    I guessing here, but I bet they hoping the people who have taken the damn shot
    don’t figure out it killing them before they all gone. because if they do, it will make the French dustup look mild when they find out the truth about it

  5. this is where the lessons of Michael Collins come in to play. forget ever getting the top dogs of this bullshit. find the local clowns behind this or pushing this shit.
    as for food. it has been the weapon of choice for years if not centuries.
    they want us to be starving, cold and not able to fight back. weak as new born kittens so to speak. the thing they don’t like is spots like this spreading the word out
    people are getting ready for the coming shit show. guns are selling like mad still.
    ammo has come down a bit but no where near what it once was.
    and by the way, full metal jacket and solid lead bullets kill just as well as hollow points, well. you may have to shoot the asshole 2 or more times.
    anything worth shooting once, is worth shooting again anyway.
    people are trying to stock pile food around here. and ball canning jars sell out fast too, along with lids and seals going just as quick.
    I figure mid winter to next summer will be rough for a lot of folks.
    heating oil has NOT come down in price yet. and a whole lot of people use it for
    heat in winter. I put a lock on my tanks, they are full 2 years ago. I much rather
    like the heat from the wood stoves myself. this is not going to end well for a lot of people.
    and you right about one thing too. there are more of us than them, and they don’t like that at all.

  6. Very well stated. I, and my immediate family, are un-vaxxed, and intend to stay that way. I give a lot of credit to Ann Barnhardt for calling BS early, and for posting the most current info about the Ivermectin treatment for Covid.

  7. Remember Swine Flu back in the late 70’s? Yep, got that vaccination right before they pulled the vaccination because the vax was killing people. Carter ordered all school kids to get it first. Got sicker than a dog from that one. Many more dead from the vaccination than from the actual flu.

    That’s why, at the tender age of 13 or so, I began to question vaccinations.

    Now, I am not against TDP or MMR vaccinations. Anyone who ever visited old cemeteries and looked at the number of children dead, often from typhoid, diphtheria, petussis, or measles, mumps, rhubella, and don’t forget polio. Serious illnesses that killed lots and lots of kids.

    Now, a seasonal flu that’s closer to a common cold than Spanish Influenza? Yeah, forget it. I don’t even get seasonal flu vaccines anymore.

    • I was with the 101st airborne when that happen. we where to get the shot. they had a time laid out for it on the training board. I think it was 2 days before we where to get it,, they pulled the plug on it because something like 5 people died from the vax.
      that was 1976 when it happen.

  8. This shit has cost me a son and a grandson I haven’t seen in 2 years all because I refuse to be vaccinated. My son has no idea of the pain is has cost me of not being able to see my son and grandson.
    I’ll never forgive the fuckers that have caused this. God forbid they ever get in my sights.

  9. You want to see literal hell on earth? Get within 10 feet of me with a syringe of the vax. I won’t leave enough DNA for them to be identified.

  10. Oh yikes. I am gonna propose a very controversial and unpopular opinion here. Certain to be voted off the island with this comment, enhancements or not Chucky. I love you all, but here goes.

    You live till you die.

    Nothing changes that, not even Covid, the vax, the NWO or anything else. God is ultimately in control and nothing changes God’s timeline for us. Ecclesiastical 3.1-2 1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die.

    Predesignated by design.

    By way of example, I held my 15 year old nieces hand as she took her last breath from complications of pneumonia. And I held my sister as she grieved the loss of her four year old granddaughter’s death from a congenital aneurysm.

    You live till you die my friends, make the best of it.

    Didn’t mean to be a wet blanket Phil, your post just stirred up some emotions.

    • True…shot or no shot, you WON’T die until it’s your time.
      When Death finally catches up with me, I want to be able to give him the finger and tell him ” It’s about time…you hit like a little bitch.”

    • Sandy you’re right about death in general. Getting a clot shot from .Gov is a different critter. (((They))) already have scanners for shot/no shot detection. The shit they put into the nottavax gives vaxx’d a distinct electromagnetic signature. They will use that against the pure bloods if the system doesn’t collapse in time. Pessimist Tree Mike

  11. I think most of us who saw through this from the start had already learned long ago not to trust the govts or their bought and paid for media, myself i stopped reading newspapers more than 30 years ago and gave up television more than 10 years ago, some of the best actions i’ve taken.

    Those who have suffered the constant and ever more refined propaganda and subliminal messaging of MSM need our help to see through what has happened to them, it isn’t easy for people to learn and acknowledge they’ve been duped for years, some are lost, some revelled in the new found power they thought was theirs as they crawled out of the woodwork to become petty dictators and bullies.

    Think of the old English saying, ”overegging the pudding”, the never ending barrage of propaganda and govts borrowing untold £/$billions to aid the full economic destruction of much of the west to suit various cartoon style Blofelds in the WEF/WHO etc whilst keeping the easily fooled onside with free money and extended holidays they thought would never have any repercussions, dupes.

    As a Irish/English chap raised and educated the old fashioned way i was shocked at the ease with which they bought or frightened whole swathes of people who until 2.5 years ago i thought of as my countrymen who could be trusted when things got bad, what a fool i was, never again, since then found i have more in common with people from many different parts of the world who know what a totalitarian state looks like and could see where this was going and discovered i barely knew what my own kind would be like.
    Seriously where i work and places i visit apart from a tiny number of UK natives who remain unjabbed to this day and laughed at the masking and lockdowns, refusing to take part, the fellers i found i had more in common with and said NO were former east europeans and those from warmer climes of various ethnicities.

    Fortunately my wife and daughter also saw through this massive scam, daughter losing lifelong friends (fiends?) because she wouldn’t surrender, it’s been very hard for those who’s immediate families were among the brainwashed.

  12. At first when the republican governor of Ohio locked us down and mandated the mask I wore my full face CBRN mask into a couple of stores to mock the assholes but much to my dismay everyone looked at me with jealousy and several people complemented me on my choice of respirators . Not wanting to waste the expensive filters and also not getting a rise from the crowd I simply ignored the mask mandate and had no pushback from anyone with the exception of the local Menards Lumber Store which sent management to chase me through the store . Frickin’ idiots ! It still is like a dream that went bad to see the sheeples get in line , walk 6 feet apart , and obey like slaves . America ! The land without balls .

  13. When I heard the alleged government had given the pharmaceutical companies immunity, right then and there I said FUCK YOU and FUCK YOUR JAB.

    Consent of the governed be dammed. I never consented to that bullshit.

  14. My first awakening that something in .gov was not right was during the Church committee hearings back in ’72. Every decade since there has been more confirmation that these fuckers are up to no good. Then came the arming up of the police in the 90’s after the LA bank robbery shoot out; along side the constant attacks, verbally and legislatively, on 2A.

    The thing that really has concerned me is the unaccountability of the elites and various .gov agencies when they commit clear crimes. The fuckers get rewarded instead. That should tell you a lot if you’re listening.

    There’s a vid over at 90 Miles from Tyranny made by a nurse from America’s Front Line Nurses about a child who had a heart attack after the jab that ER doc’s denied was happening. I tried to copy the link, but Mike somehow obfuscates the ability to do that in the vids he posts. The vid in question shows a woman’s face(the nurse) from the left side of her face, if anyone cares to look at the vid.

    In any event, when Dr. Malone came out early on saying the jab was not safe for use in humans, I listened and am glad I did. Every day there are more and more reports of people of all ages, but especially people under 60 in other wise good health, being killed by this experimental jab. KILLED is the correct adjective.

    One of the real tells here is all of the well known people that come down with Kung Flu after having been jabbed 2, 3, 4 times. Some of them, like Fraudci, Biden, Dr. Jill have multiple infections. If this was a REAL vaccine, no one would be getting sick, never mind suffering serious injury, up to and including death or multiple infections.

    Oh, BTW that Paxlovid drug that Pfizer came up with doesn’t work either.

    I can only imagine the evolutions that the virus is undergoing in these people who contract the disease after having been jabbed so many times.

    One of the other real tells about the jab is that, after 18 months, the jab is STILL under Emergency Use Authorization. Now, while STILL under EUA, they’re giving it to children as young as three and they’ve applied for use in infants.

    Any parent that allows their child to be jabbed has to have rocks for brains.

    Even when or if the jab gets the blessing from the CDC/FDA for general use authorization, I’m not taking it. I’ve had the Omicron version, at least that’s what I think it was, back in December 22. So I should be good.

  15. I’m not jabbed, nor is my wife, nor kids. Three of four grandkids resisted as well.

    One of the things that has caused so many vaxxers to occur is a lack of education, another commie tool to keep the masses in line. If kids are allowed to run the classroom with no discipline, their parents likewise not caring about their kids’ futures, expecting the gubmit to take care of everything, teachers indoctrinated by their union/gubmit masters, then none of them will take a few classes about biology that would help them understand what the lab rats come to understand. Health classes are being replaced with gender studies, no longer teaching basic input/output mechanisms such as “eat a balanced diet, get sick -> get bed rest, plenty of fluids”, etc. Many people no longer read inquisitively so as to open their minds to current understandings in medicine, space, environment, woodworking, you name it. A lot of folks just brain-deading in front of a tv or online.

    I have had a number of versions of the flu over the 68 years I’ve been around. A couple of them pretty dibilitating. My wife and I both got the Chinese flu: hers was worse, 3 weeks of flu symptoms including a fever which is only the second for her in her life. Mine was much milder, probably due to my immune system having fought off all the other versions over the years.

    My trust in government started it’s downhill slide when I was in primary school and has only increased in velocity over my lifetime. But history pretty much says that this is the way society/politics/culture has always been. Untrustworthy. Put your soul in Jesus’ hands, keep your mind engaged and observant for trouble, and keep your body as sharp as possible to resist the storm.

  16. I still pray for the vaccinated, they are humans as well. My sorrow is the children who had no choice.

  17. I have only run across one or two people that have not been jabbed in my sphere. As an old Tennessee raised hillbilly (now living in Virginia), I was skeptical all along and never really ever considered getting the jab. My concern is the long term effects of a compromised immune system on those around me which will make them much more susceptible to opportunistic diseases. I don’t want to be the last man standing as my friends and family succumb to the culling.

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