8 thoughts on “I stay hydrated…

  1. All day long, sip by sip. I’m not sure if it’s hydrating or de-. I try to remember to drink some water, too.

  2. I filter my water three times. First through a 5 stage water filter pitcher, second through coffee grounds(grinds?), third through my kidneys. The pitcher holds 2 quarts after filtration. I drink that dry most every day.

  3. yeah, I had to “cut” my coffee with decaf. as per my doc. so. I mix regular coffee
    with decaf 50/50 and the doc is happy and I get by. about 2 pots per day as a rule
    12 cup pots. and to keep the coffee flowing, I have over 30, 3 pound cans on the shelf downstairs. need to get more decaf as there is only 12 or so of them.
    the local store sells their house brand in 3 pound cans ! (Weis). and yes. it is good coffee too. I have drank too much bad coffee over the years to put up with it now. I can drink it black with some sugar in it. but these days I like a little milk in it as well. and yes. I do have a bit of powder milk stored as well.
    might not have a ATV or boat in the driveway, but I do have a good couple of months worth of food. which is a lot more than most people around here do, I know already. and no. I do not tell people about the food I have stored here.
    we go shopping when most people are at work and I unload in the back of the house as well. away from the road. even when the grandson is up here, he never see the food store. or the ammo shelf.
    and I also have plenty of filters for water too. as mom used to say, two is one, and one is none. if you don’t have to piss, you not drinking enough.

    • I have to cut my mine with decaf also. Makes me too jittery if I drink it straight and raises the BP.

      I use a 60/40 blend 60% regular.

      I also have a bunch in storage. I buy it when it goes on sale, about every three months or so for 20% off. I have about 6 months worth in storage.

  4. Off-topic Tactical Hermit blog has been nuked unless it’s a glitch have not heard anything.

  5. I stopped by Tactical Hermit just before I got here. Yep, nuked.. Someone musta said something inconveniently truthful..

  6. Coffee….. Proof that God loves us. I’ve been on a tear w the Nespresso machine at work of late. It’s just too damn convenient for a nice double shot to boost the energy level.

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