43 thoughts on “I Never Thought I Would Live To See The Day

  1. Happy Birthday to ya Phil! Hope ya make you make it another 62 revolutions…you would be a really old fart then….

  2. Is this the “If I had known that I was going to live this long I’d have taken better care of myself” post?

  3. Congrats on the 32nd anniversary of your 30th Birthday Sir…. That’s how I count them now… hehe…..

  4. Congratulations! Sit back & think of all the jerks you have pissed off in 62 years.
    Keep it up!

  5. Yeah, another year older and another year wiser…or so they say. Hope you have a good one.

  6. I decided when I turned 40 that I could now poke fun at old farts since I are one too. Also, being a few years ahead of you, I can say Happy Birthday ya old coot! Although I always knew you could draw Social Security at 62, it didn’t really register until I hit that milestone. It’s not the best option, but at least it’s a real option. Before that, if I lost a job for whatever reason, I’d have to go looking for another. The real hitch in the works is Medicare. Ya gotta be 65 for that, or in my case, have a spouse who could cover the insurance for me.

  7. Hey, Phil…happy 62nd revolution about the sun! Long time reader, first time posting here.

    Turned the same last year. Took the socialist security, as the coof shit destroyed my small biz. Get er before she’s gone! Wishes for many more.

  8. Happy birthday, old man! Welcome to the club. Going to hit 63 this summer and I know how you feel.

  9. Happy Birthday my friend. I just completed my 59th on Sunday. Just wish my body could keep up with my mind.

  10. Bappy Hirthday! Yeah, we never figured we’d last as long as the old ones. And yet, here we are. I like that gif. Very cool indeed.

  11. Lissen up, ya snot nosed kid! Someday you’ll get old – I mean REALLY old.
    Like me, old. 62 ain’t shit, yer just gettin’ started, but ya can at least buy beer.
    Congrats on foolin’ dat ol’debbil as long as y’have. Stay well, keep your weapons clean, head on a swivel. it ain’t over til it’s over, Amigo.

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