7 thoughts on “I have been talking to myself a lot lately…

  1. I read a recent article that claimed 30% of people have no inner monologue. There is no internal guiding voice. Look around. You’ll see them.

    • Boy, do I know that! I was a Behavioral Therapist for over 20 years and a Psych nurse for just 7 and you are right. most people do not have that inner voice or conscience, we diagnosed them as sociopaths. These are the people that have never been punched in the face, never stuffed in a locker, always have gotten a participation trophy, and have never been told an emphatic NO! So, we got the zombies roaming around being insufferable assholes and karens and kens.

      • yup. a whole lot of people are in for a big shock when the rule of law breaks down. it is almost there already.
        a few more illegals get in and if the money cards stop working,,, all bets will be off. and that is when it will really get bad for a lot of people here.
        just remember this part, they doing this to us on purpose.
        they have a plan of some sort. I guess they think they will be untouched by all of this shit ? that is really stupid.

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