I had to steal this from Bayou Renaissance. I wanted this for our esteemed progressive trolls Tony, Sara, Military Mierda to point out using the chart how they identify and which gender they are.


17 thoughts on “I had to steal this from Bayou Renaissance. I wanted this for our esteemed progressive trolls Tony, Sara, Military Mierda to point out using the chart how they identify and which gender they are.

  1. Obese Stone Butch Eskimo from Space I am not sure just what I can identify as anymore

  2. Funny – I don’t feel Hirsute / Graygender / Philistine / With No Sense of Smell. Maybe tomorrow ?

  3. Howzabout a One-legged Stone Cold Butch Alaskan On Top of Old Smoky?

    That oughta set your heart on fire.

  4. Hirsute Treesexual Quaker Who can’t spell for crap
    or Anxious Cisgendered Pacific Islander on Stilts
    At your service

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