11 thoughts on “I can do both!

  1. I could sure use a little debauchery. Not sure what I’d do with it, but in theory, sounds like fun.

    • At this point, madness would be my choice.

      Unless, I’m already mad. Then it would be mayhem.

  2. Pingback: Thursday Smart Assed, Snarky, Sarcastic Linkfest! - The DaleyGator

  3. well, I would like to get the basement clean up a bit before any of that stuff happens. I always had a feeling I was going to end up with house guests when
    the shit hits the fan. even have a couple of cots up stairs with extra sleeping bags.
    old army cold weather ones I got cheap. nothing like those down bags for staying warm. pretty sure I did some mayhem back when I was younger. too tired for it now.
    as for the debauchery part, might have done a bit of that as well back then.
    one weekend a long time ago, was in Venice with the army on a weekend pass.
    a buddy of mine wanted to do something fun. it involved 2 girls and a boat ride around town there. plus some wine and food. it was a very good time. shall we say.

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