14 thoughts on “I Am STILL Laughing

  1. Did you see Corn Fed Fred’s left hand come up and grab the guys jacket? In my experience when somebody does that to you he is about to hit you really hard and has hit people often because he likes to and is good at it. Anybody who has any experience knows that right then is when you need to countermove or you are going down. I’m a big guy and I’ve been in few fist fights in my youth and Ole Fred looks like exactly the kind of wiry small framed guy you really have to watch out for.

  2. Hahahahahahahahahaha! Fuck that little bitch. Corn Fed should have curb-stomped him when he was down. Or at the very least snapped some fingers, perhaps an elbow, or even a ankle so that POS would always remember Corn Fed when it rains.

    • Irish, I hope that the old bloke disinfected any abrasions on his knuckles afterwards! Well I mean, you never know where some of them cats have been, before you kindly helped them out with free facial reconstruction therapy.

    • And the nager said he was going to kill the nigger next time after getting his ass kicked and bloodied. I hope they did call the police.

  3. I don’t dare watch Corn Fed again. I’m getting ready for bed and I need to unwind. That’s just too funny!

  4. I just added Nod to the Gods to my morning slog through the blogs. That was really funny.

    On another note, looks like Irish has some competition for FFF.

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