8 thoughts on “I am memeing the mug…

  1. 14K people, OUT OF 8 BILLION, are having sex right now.

    My calculator doesn’t have enough places for all of the zero’s after the period to describe how infinitesimal that number is.

    Then we wonder why birth rates are reportedly declining.

    We read stories every day about the decline of male testosterone and sperm counts. Yet no ink is given to female’s libido or lack thereof. Think there’s an agenda there?

    • my thought exactly when they say it is our fault that there isn’t enough babies being born.

      Not enough women willing to bear them, or try to start ’em. Few men will say “non” when offered a chance.

  2. Pingback: Saturday Links, Babes, memes, Pics, and other assorted stuff - The DaleyGator

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