10 thoughts on “I am making a list and scheduling ya’ll for shifts…

  1. Well, since I normally gotta get up and take a piss and feed the fucking cat at O Dark Thirty anyways, you can just jot me down for the first shift.

    • Vet told me years ago to just leave dry cat food in the bowl and let them self feed. Have done that for decades and never had a fat cat.

  2. If I was on the panel I think I’d prefer the banner read:
    “Seven Decades of Life Experience Giving Advice”.

    That doesn’t necessarily mean the second line of the banner would have to be changed.

    • It wouldn’t be changed for the likes of me, certainly!

      Let’s face it,Elmo, since you and I have survived 70+ trips around the sun, we’ve done SOMEthing right… at least once.

      • It’s funny, Igor. We’ve lived long lives, yet the wisdom we’ve acquired circling the sun in those 70+ laps are completely discounted by the Progs and the young folks that ‘know better’.
        Sad, that.

  3. It’s a great idea. I’m just sure the people who Need what the geezer crowd would tell them would line up to hear it.

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