Hurry. The. Fuck. Up.

I’m with this guy.

Somebody needs to shit or get off the pot.

The constant teasing that “something is happening” has gotten real old, real fast at this point.

Because if shit doesn’t start happening pretty quick then all hell is going to break loose in this country.

All of the needed parameters are already in place.

The absolute lawlessness and the absolutely relentless flouting of it in our faces every fucking day is going to push the magic button one of these days.

Americans might be fat and lazy but historically we are the most capable killers on the planet when properly motivated.

If the legal system is so corrupt that it is beyond redemption and if the last check military won’t step up and do their sworn duty then average Americans are going to get a belly full and there are going to be a whole shit load of lamp posts getting decorated in a fucking hurry.

Once a taste of blood has been acquired then there will be no stopping it until there is nothing left to kill and there will be no quarter given.

I can actually visualize entire bloodlines being permanently exterminated.

I don’t even need to type in names at this point.

Everyone is well aware of the players that have been running amok for the last forty years.

Generational Criminal Dynasties.

We are all hoping that someone with the power to start the rectification process will make their move but we are also all getting damn tired of it not happening.

Because there are people in office who have the power to put a screeching halt to all of it right now.

You would think that the prospect of 50-100 million very capable people driven by blood lust looking for street justice might get their attention.

Then again, maybe that is what “THEY” are waiting for.

That would be a mistake of historic proportion.

There won’t be any “Good Guys” at that point.

If you had the power to put a stop to it and didn’t then you are just as guilty as the perpetrators.

25 thoughts on “Hurry. The. Fuck. Up.

  1. Things aren’t bad enough for enough people to motivate them to act… especially violently. As long as most people have food, shelter and entertainment they aren’t going to act. There’s no way to know when society will collectively say. “I’ve had enough”. And the criminals in power looting the Treasury are experts at distraction and misdirection. We need a revolution, and if things get bad enough we’ll have one. But there won’t be much left to salvage by then. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the commie left has won. America as we knew it is done. The only question is how bad will the coming collapse be, how many will die.

    • Give the people bread and Circuses and they will be too busy to do anything about the government.
      Gambling, professional football, and TikTok are more easily understood and therefore more important to the average American Citizen than dealing with the complexity of losing their freedoms.

  2. I would consider the fact that this video is on a horny teenage open source woke platform, imo.
    WTF Is up with that???
    WT actual F !!!

    Is this the Newest RAY EPPS?????
    Perhaps, Perhaps Not.

    Don’t be a Sucker!

    This is No Place for emotion or amateurs, rambos, jason borne wanna-be’s or video warlords.

    Cause Professionals Will Be Inbound. COUNT ON IT!!
    With ALL the resources, media and endless money..
    To Fuck You Square In The Ass, DRY.
    Can you say Push Me Pull you?? Think pornhub.

    Unless of course your desire is no need for food any longer or slop twice aday. Your call.

    That said-

    Birth, Rolling Over, Crawling, first Steps, Walking, Running, Hauling Ass for Distance.

    Just a thought.

      • Morning Phil. I would bet 50% of these “professionals” are as fed up as we are, and ready to honor their oath in the only way left to us. But that being said, don’t forget about the professional army these cocksuckers have let come over our border. There is no voting our way out of this and that’s a goldplated fact. Fuck these assholes. As the guy in that movie Starship Troopers says, Kill Em! Kill em All!!!

      • I am sure that the fact that so many veterans are of advanced years with less to lose than the average gobment agent.
        The older I get, the less life in prison is a deterrent.

    • Have you ever served and served in combat? These professionals you speak of, mostly fed bois, now most I am sure have not been on a 2 way rifle range. Busting doors, shooting dogs, cats and hamsters, unarmed citizens still half asleep at 2 am doesn’t qualify. Now, I am sure a sizable contingent of Fed bois have served and seen combat, but not 10 million, or even if we pair that down, say 2.5 million ex-service men is a sizable army where I stand. We know their training doctrine, know the strengths and weaknesses. We have no ROEs, except one, kill them all and let God sort ’em out. We know are loved ones and families will suffer, so we will reciprocate X1000. With this fed post I am on another watch list, fuck it, I am sure I am on others.

      • and maybe now you understand why the fed boys have made a habit of getting into every group of any size.
        we do have the numbers on then and they know it but what they do is find each weak link and go to work on it.
        they do not want another Bundy ranch stand off again !
        they have spent billions on doing just that.
        why else have they put “fusion” centers all over the country ? they are looking for “chatter”. people looking to band together to stop or fix the problems or fed up with the clowns in charge. most if not all of the traffic cams are federal. plate readers ?- again attached to the feds.
        and cell phones? your own personal tracking and listening
        platform that YOU bought. any car/truck built after 2007 can track you . anything with GPS does it in real time.
        Bluetooth ? yeah. you starting to get the idea now.
        think old school. comms are the weak link for us.
        EVERYTHING you send out over the internet, they see it in real time. the Amish farms all had a big farm bell.
        when the bell rang, people came running to help.
        we going to want something like that. otherwise, the feds will always outnumber us. I don’t know. maybe CB radios ?
        maybe GMRS radios- HAM. again, the feds have more money to buy “toys” like jammers and the like.
        we need to get around that part/bit. just saying, of course.

        • The get around to the feds intercept is using good old face-to-face conversation. Talk to your neighbor instead of texting. Meet your family and friends at church or at the local FD pancake breakfast.
          Writing a letter is as secure a long distance communication as there is. Takes too many people to read all letters.
          Action should be local. Political action at the local level is the most effective. Just ask soros. NH is a state where local political action shows its effect n glaring opposition to the statewide result.
          Local action on other fronts, including resisting tyranny, should be conducted face-to-face with the people you know, the people you have breakfast with at the local coffee hangout, the people you go to church with.
          Stay safe out there and God Bless you all for a New Year.

        • Yes, this^^^!
          I expect to be on all the lists. If everybody fed posted, to the max, all the time, they would be overwhelmed. Their systems would have too much worthlessness to store. Say shit that doesn’t make sense, let their A I chew on it till it flips out or shuts down.
          My hope/goal, is to get the algo’s to keep kicking it upstairs till a fed boi has to pass judgement, so that his reaction is “AAAAHHHHGGG, it’s that FOKKEN broke dick geezer, Tree Mike AGAAAIIIINN!!!!

          • FJB is right.
            Consider EVERY group, blog and website you frequent is pretty much guaranteed to be populated by Feds.
            All of us are being monitored 24/7/365.5

            On the bright side, I also keep in mind that government tends to be disorganised, incompetent and usually 5 years late accomplishing anything, if at all.

            The way to win is non-compliance. And get prepared as well as you can and wait for the collapse.

          • “broke dick”- I can identify with that. In West Texas, my current concern is border rats. Unfortunately, I live in an indefensible place. Flat. Bland terrain. Nothing. Spent a lost fortune to move back here from GA. Not going anywhere else. My future is a mass grave on this forlorn prairie.

            • Yeah it’s flat. I grew up in the south plains. We used to say the only thing between us and the wind was a barb wire fence. And it was usually down about half the time. Good thing about flat bland terrain is you can see em coming. Fire up mr. 308 and lay waste to em.

  3. There needs to be an insurrection, but it’s going to have to start from the inside. For the Republican Party to stand by and watch all this happen is unreal. Makes you wonder whose side are they really on. If the Democrats can organize groups like Antifa and BLM, why can’t the Republicans do the same? We are just waiting for the call to arms, but, no one is sounding the alarm. And if we organize by ourselves, guess who is going to shut us down.

    • Because BLM, Antifa are SPONSORED, organized, funded by Deep State, NGO’s. Conservative groups would be “dealt with”.

  4. For grins and giggles, folks, look up “Gadianton robbers”. Then look at our Gubmint.

    They’re heeeeeere….

  5. Non-compliance is a good start.

    As for kinetic action……

    No reason to go to dc to eliminate any of the bastards. Local, local, local is the key.

    Be santa claus, make your list, then check it twice. They’ll find out who we think naughty or nice.

  6. Bread and circuses. Tell us something we don’t know or think. He is on tik tok, speaks volumes. He needs to go first.

  7. That’s PRECISELY how the corrupt and evil forces ALWAYS prevail. They make us SO sick of their filthy machinations we let them get their way because we cannot stand another minute of the cognitive dissonance screaming at our animal instincts.

    It happens at EVERY level. And it’s out in the open now.

    No. Really. Go to a county Board of Supervisors meeting or two.

    They’ll get WHATEVER they want out of us when we are finally too sick and crazy from this malarkey to stand in their way. It ALWAYS works… until they’re too AFRAID to take another step. It’s either force or the extremely credible threat of it that EVER sends them back into their holes for another generation or two.

    • Thanks for the link, Steve. That was very interesting. Seems there’s nothing new under the sun after all. Same tactic over and over again.

  8. Another guy sidelined by the red herring that some particular rulers are the problem, rather than the concept of having rulers at all.

  9. I generally feel the same way but after 40 years of curiosity and reading, I’m coming to the conclusion that what is really coming will be too much for a huge part of humanity to handle if it came out at once. Fixing the economics and politics and exposing all of the criminality associated with it is just a first step. Step one is removing the traitors to humanity. The Great Awakening will take decades and possibly the better part of a century.
    Few people seem to recognize or understand how much has happened so far. Everyone seems to be expecting a single, defining moment to suddenly happen and all our ills will be fixed. It won’t be like that. The entire world is at war right now. It’s information war or Fifth Generation Warfare. (5GW) The battle field is in the heads of every man, woman and child.
    Great things are coming but humanity is going to need those great things to gird our loins for what comes after that. We won’t be getting a one world govt. or new world order but humanity is going to need to be rowing all our canoes in the same direction. It’s better to unite nations and continents in a similar way to Allied Forces fighting together and winning as we did in WWII. The economic and political battles we are about to win (already won actually) will unite the entire world and we will prosper tremendously. Then the real work starts but at 60 yo., I’m not sure I’ll get to see that part.
    Happy New Year!

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