15 thoughts on “How It’s Done

    • Can’t be Filthie’s old lady because she’s not wearing a gas mask.

      As for me, no. Not nearly ‘Korean tiger mom’ enough.

        • You think that’s bad? It’s commonly known in Canadian lore that, due to his extreme flatulence of which he is without peer, he is the man to call when you need to strip paint off a house…..or stop a raging bull moose dead in it’s tracks.

          It’s a public service he occasionally provides, donchaknow.

  1. You have only just discovered that you are married? How the hell did she manage to spring that on you without you being aware or awake when it happened?

    Interested people want to know you know!

  2. well, it kind of like what mom told me years ago. everyone has the right to say NO!
    I didn’t play along with the last bit of stupid, the mask nonsense.
    really anyone who went thru a NBC course KNOWS better than using a paper mask against germs. but yet, every time I went to the VA, the clowns there where
    all wearing masks and face shields ? and I even made fun of the clowns wearing them too while I was there.
    but the biggest tell was the homeless people, by all accounts. they should have been dropping like files. but that didn’t happen now, did it ?

  3. “Obviously Canadian by her accent.” If you want to see a Canuck explode, ask them if they’re a Yank (because of their accent). I suppose to some, it’s like confusing Aussies with Kiwis, but to us we sound nothing alike.
    The biggest tell for a Kiwi being all the wool fibres caught in their zipper flies!

  4. You can find that accent in the northern border of NY VT NH ME. I grew up with people who talk like that who aren’t Canadian. Whatever.

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