12 thoughts on “Hope Melloncunt, SNash, Springshit and all the other liberal actors and singers read this here and get a clue.

  1. Amen. Really tired of MSM introducing our entertainment as more intelligent than the average bear. A lot of them didn’t even graduate high school. That doesn’t make them stupid. But them explaining Climate Science and medical conditions – not there expertise. So yeah – entertain us and let the degree’d ‘Science Persons’ who spent a lot of time in the field and school give their ideas some air, and keeping their music and acting to the experts.

    • Unfortunaytely, jrg, even the so-called experts are highly-paid shills for whomever pulls the strings. So much for THAT theory…

  2. These ancients from an bygone era should stick to the studio where their weak and crackling voices can be sweetened up. Getting on stage, looking like an sack of shit atop toothpick legs, trying to re-live the halcyon days is not worth the ticket stub especially if they are gonna pontificate on how progressive they are.

    • I saw a response to some famous person’s meltdown, several years ago:
      ” I have not summoned you to entertain me. Back into your box, dancing monkey.”
      (It may have been Tam Keel, I’m not sure)

  3. We know this as true but there is a whole generation trying to figure out why Taylor Spit may have changed the color of her fingernails.

    • No different than the Hippie Generation spitting on returning soldiers, protesting about war and not wanting a fucking job.
      Now, those same pieces of shit are in the US Congress and the Canadian House of Commons, all the while celebrity athletes, actors and musicians are preaching to me about my carbon footprint while they wander around the planet in their eco-friendly jet planes.

      Despite what they all believe to themselves, if they ALL died tonight, we would still have a roof over our own heads and food on the table.
      Fuck them.

  4. The really talented and intelligent celebrities are conservative, like Ted Nugent, Kevin Sorbo and Tim Tebow.

  5. When I hire someone to sing, I expect them to sing, not talk.
    Talk on your own damn time…

  6. I’m stealing this one. Ditto for athletes. “Boo hoo. I’m so oppressed. I make more than the average American to play a game. I must use my 30 seconds of fame to alienate 50% of the population with my assinine opinions.”

  7. Mellonhead is next.
    I deleted all my Springsteen a few years ago. Good riddance.
    I threw out every DVD that had leftist pigs like De Niro in them. Garbage out.
    Senor Mellencamp is leaving my home right after I finish this. Chau
    I watched his almost unwatchable concert on Sky News “lefties losing it” and it pissed me off so much.
    Screw ’em all.
    FJB and God Bless Donald Trump and protect him and the Republic he believes so strongly in.

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