Have You Noticed An Acceleration Of Events Yet?

If you haven’t, you will.

It is truly inevitable.

Take heart, we win in the end and the game is almost over.


Welcome To The Great Awakening.

13 thoughts on “Have You Noticed An Acceleration Of Events Yet?

  1. Nonsense. The further out in time you try and look the more chaotic it gets. Some may think we know but they’re still just guessing. We can’t predict the future with any accuracy. We don’t even know the past with much accuracy. Put on your big boy pants and deal with the day as it comes at us. LGB!!

  2. I don’t know if the game is won or lost but 12 minutes of my life is lost forever, the guy who made the video knew from the beginning this would be the case but I had to watch till the end to come to this awakening.

    • I lost 24 minutes as I watched it twice trying to understand the message. No context and no evidence of these two programs the speakers states or who ran them except what he alluded to being in the military. Timelines converged, when in 2012? Or, are they converging now? Whose decisions are being affected, our (esteemed) representatives? Military leaders? He was vague and not forthcoming with evidence. I only heard speculation and weird assertions. The kaleidoscope of natural scenery and choice of melodic music didn’t lead me to give much credence of a serious subject. I felt I was being alluded to a psych-op, beta wave relaxation therapy…

      • That was an excerpt from a 2 1/2 hour interview done ten years ago.
        Look up Project Stargazer and Project Looking Glass, both Government projects.
        Stargazer they studued people who had extra sensory perception and could do things like Remote Viewing and shit.
        Looking Glass is supposed a machine that they can peer into the future with to see possible future events.
        All of the timelines and possible future outcomes no matter the variables all came to the same conclusion, that there will be a Great Awakening of the consciousness of the people around the world , something like an evolutionary leap.
        It will start small and spread around the world.
        Supposedly that is happening right now.

        • This great awakening, will we all sit around a giant camp fire and sing kum by ya? Or, dogs and cats will finally put away their differences and sleep and play together in harmony? I am pulling your chain Phil, what is supposed to happen once we reach this consciousness? Put away our differences? Kill those that have not reached this utopia of enlightened thought, be rid of our narcissistic, grifter class of representatives? I am not sure how this benefits Man. You can have a Great Awakening and people don’t or won’t get with the program, it falls into the big dust bin in the pie sky…

          • All of the history that has been taught to us has been a lie.
            There is an almost unimaginable amount of knowledge that has been kept from us.
            All that is going to come out.
            Just how many of these evil fucks currently running the joint get their necks stretched is still unknown.

        • Remember what was called the Arab Spring? That started in 2010 and really took off in 2011. That’s pretty damn close to 2012 for me. And we are still seeing uprisings and revolts right now. That occasion was the springboard for what we have right now. In my humble opinion.

  3. There is a line in J.C. Lilly’s book The Center of the Cyclone: “That which one believes to be true is true or becomes true within limits to be found experiencially and experimentally. These limits are further belief to be transcended.” That line is repeated SIX times over the course of the book. Yeah, I’ve been reading this stuff since 1971. There’s also a lyric in a Paul Simon song: “Yeah, bad times come and bad times go. Whatcha gonna do about it is what I want to know?”

  4. What the narrator is describing goes by many different names, depending on the culture. In the Vedic sciences, it’s called Yoga. In western classical physics, it’s called the superstring theory. The theory is that consciousness is a field of energy which we all share. Consciousness itself is an intelligent, creative being, and we are all merely a small part of this greater conscious being. The Great Awakening is part of our evolutionary trajectory, in the same way that bipedalism, or learning to use tools, or anything else that makes us human evolved.

  5. With all the people that are now coming to light that have major medical problems with the mRNA gene therapy (aka “The Vaccine”), was the therapy forced on the world to thin the population of the Good people so that there will be more of the Evil after the awakening or are the Evil ones just spiking the ball mid field knowing they will never win the day?
    Refer to the leaked DotMil medical data and insurance death rate increases for examples of medical problems.

    • “Stephan Molyneaux has postulated that “Cancel culture is a dress rehearsal for mass murder.” “To attempt to bring about Utopian conditions in the world; to seek to create heaven on earth.” A pipe dream at best, a nightmarish, ghoulish living hell. We are not designed to live in a Utopia, we are designed to live in tension, with earth, with animals, with people.

  6. Lost only 4 minutes.

    String theory is just that.

    2012 was used conspiratorially as the end of the world which in reality it was only the end of the most accurate Calendar, the Mayan Calendar.

    Happened to be in Chichen Itza that year. I asked a Mayan what happens, he laughed said the calendar just starts over, I laughed. Cool place though. Glad I got to see it in person not just in documentaries. Hope some day my kids will appreciate me taking them there.

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